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Tag: career

Order by Date

In: Snapshot 2000

[name withheld 1]
[name withheld] talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: January 2000

In: Events

A Queer Existence launch
Audio from the launch of Mark Beehre's book A Queer Existence. The launch was held at Unity Books in Wellington on 19 October 2021...
Published: October 2021

In: Events

Against Equality
Audio from Ryan Conrad's community presentation. The discussion was held at 17 Tory Street, Wellington on 1 March 2015. Special thanks to The...
Published: March 2015

In: Auckland Pride Festival 2013

Alex Taylor
Alex talks about his life as a gay composer, and being part of the After Lilburn concert held during the Auckland Pride Festival 2013...
Published: March 2013

In: South: Nelson

Alicia talks about growing up and fluid bisexuality...
Published: October 2013

In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009

Alison Laurie
Elizabeth Kerekere introduces a queer history talk by Alison Laurie...
Published: January 2009

In: Organise - Creating Our Stories

Andy Boreham
Andy talks about helping organise the annual Out in the Square community fair in Wellington...
Published: February 2012

In: South: Canterbury

Anna talks about identifying as a binary identified transsexual...
Published: May 2014

In: People

Anne Perry
Joanne Drayton discusses her biography of crime writer Anne Perry, better known in New Zealand as the convicted muderer Juliet Hulme...
Published: September 2012

In: Making a Difference

Anne Speir
Anne talks about growing up, working in the media, activism in the 1970s and 1980s, working on the Hero events in the 1990s and...
Published: February 2011

In: Arts and Media

Audio preservation
John talks about preserving audio/visual material for the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco. John was responsible for preserving approximately 250 episodes of The...
Published: June 2012

In: Making a Difference

Aunty Wai Mason
Aunty Wai talks about being a kaumatua for the NZ AIDS Foundation...
Published: January 2011

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Barry Taylor
Barry Taylor from New Zealand talks about being the convener of the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: People

Barry Taylor profile
Barry Taylor talks about his early years, the establishment of the first rainbow youth support groups in New Zealand in the late 1980s, and...
Published: April 2024

In: Q12 Auckland

Ben talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: March 2012

In: People

Benji Watt
Benji talks about being the first openly gay boxing judge in New Zealand and his upcoming marriage...
Published: May 2015

In: People

Bill Logan
Bill talks about growing up, being an activist and his role in homosexual law reform...
Published: February 2010

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Bill Logan
Bill talks about the early years of HIV AIDS in Wellington, and the response by groups like the Wellington Gay Switchboard and the AIDS...
Published: May 2015

In: Historic Convictions

Bill Logan
Bill Logan talks to Bryan Crump about the campaign to expunge convictions for consensual homosexual activity prior to homosexual law reform in 1986...
Published: June 2017

In: Wairarapa - Q12

Brad talks about being gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: People

Brendan Goudswaard
Brendan talks about growing up and being a facilitator with Schools Out - a queer youth group in Wellington. This interview was funded by...
Published: April 2010

In: Carmen Rupe

Carmen Rupe memorial, Auckland
Audio from the memorial to Carmen held at St Matthew-in-the-City, Auckland. A special thank you to the Mika Haka Foundation and the New...
Published: February 2012

In: Carmen Rupe

Carmen Rupe memorial, Wellington
Audio from the memorial to Carmen held at Scotty and Mal's Cocktail and Lounge Bar. 0:00:12 - Malcolm Kennedy-Vaughan 0:05:45 - Grant Robertson 0:10:40 - Georgina...
Published: January 2012

In: People

Charles Mackay
In 1929 Charles Mackay, a former mayor of Wanganui bled to death on a Berlin street corner - a victim of violent clashes between...
Published: September 2011

In: Beyond Rainbows

Charlie talks about identifying as a non-binary guy...
Published: January 2015

In: Events

Chosen Family Night panel
Audio from the Chosen Family Night panel discussion held on Saturday 17 June 2023 at City Gallery Wellington. Panellists Kerryn Pollock, Erin Ramsey and...
Published: June 2023

In: Rainbow Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand

Chris Carter
As part of Project Uplift (the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room) a documentary was produced by the Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Service to tell...
Published: March 2019

In: South: Otago

Christina talks about growing up and living in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Cindy Lewis (1)
Cindy Lewis from New Zealand talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: People

Claire Ryan
Claire Ryan talks about disability, gender and sexual identity...
Published: February 2010

In: Ceremonies - AsiaPacific Outgames

Closing comments
Closing comments from the Human Rights conference (includes comments from the keynote speakers)...
Published: March 2011

In: Snapshot 2000

Coming out stories
Coming out stories In this podcast compilation participants talk about their coming out experiences...
Published: January 2000

In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform

Committee of the Whole House (16 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 April 1986 (the night Part 2 containing...
Published: April 1986

In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform

Committee of the Whole House (5 March 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 5 March 1986. A more detailed log...
Published: March 1986

In: Events

Courage Day 2020
On 16 November 2020, the New Zealand Society of Authors (Wellington Branch) held an event to mark Courage Day, internationally known as the Day...
Published: November 2020

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Crimes Amendment Bill (1974)
In 1974 Venn Young, National MP for Egmont, introduced the Crimes Amendment Bill. The Bill sought to legalise homosexual activity between consenting adults...
Published: July 1975

In: Events

Crossing the Lines
Brent Coutts talks about his new book Crossing the Lines: The story of three homosexual New Zealand soldiers in WWII. The event was organised...
Published: November 2020

In: People

Dana de Milo
Dana talks about her early life. Dana also did another interview about working with Carmen. Dana passed away on 12 February 2018...
Published: December 2012

In: Carmen Rupe

Dana de Milo on Carmen Rupe
Dana talks about her friendship with Carmen, working at The Balcony and sex work in the 1970s. Dana has also done another interview about...
Published: December 2012

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Dangerous Desires
Audio from the session: Dangerous Desires. In the past, LGBTQI readers had to search for sexual information in often blatantly homophobic texts: yet so...
Published: February 2016

In: Q12 Manawatu

Daniel talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: People

Daniel Nicoletta
Daniel talks about his photographic career, the Castro in the 1970's and his time with Harvey Milk and Scott Smith. Daniel worked in Harvey...
Published: June 2012

In: People

David and Rae
David and Rae talk about coming out, identity and relationships...
Published: July 2012

In: Older Gay Men

Donald Stenhouse
Don talks about what it's like to be an older gay man. Don died on 7 January 2018. In 2011 Don was interviewed with...
Published: September 2012

In: People

Drew Hadwen
Drew Hadwen talks about the development of the Devotion dance parties/festivals, and the Beacons of Hope services in Wellington in the 1990s...
Published: August 2018

In: Ralph Knowles

Dunedin beats
Ralph Knowles remembers the Dunedin beats of the 1950s, and being involved in the campaigns for homosexual law reform. Ralph died on 3 July...
Published: December 2011

In: South: Otago

Dusty talks about growing up and being out in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014

In: Older Gay Men

Ed Jenner
Ed talks about what it's like to be an older gay man in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: People of colour Decolonisation hui

Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth gives a keynote presentation at the hui...
Published: February 2012

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth reflects on her early activist years with the Black Women's movement, homosexual law reform, the formation of Tiwhanawhana and the new resource booklet...
Published: December 2015

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Evin Wood
Evin Wood from New Zealand talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: Events

Exploring Trans Activism and Representation in Media
Audio from the panel discussion: Exploring Trans Activism and Representation in Media. The panel was part of Auckland Zinefest 2016, and included panelists Aram Wu...
Published: July 2016

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Fighting Homophobia
Audio from the second keynote panel discussion: Fighting Homophobia in Our Communities. Speakers include Bill Logan, Eileen Brown, Steve Farrow, Jan Logie and...
Published: December 2012

In: Out in the Park participants (2018)

Fiona McGregor
Fiona McGregor talks about the Wellington City Libraries stall at Out in the Park...
Published: February 2018

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality

First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill, introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall on 29 August...
Published: August 2012

In: Queer History 101

Frances Hodgkins
Alison talks about the New Zealand painter Frances Hodgkins...
Published: January 2011

In: Arts and Media

Galathea: Into the Bush
Hilary Penwarden talks to Ania Upstill about producing queer theatre and the upcoming production Galathea: Into the Bush. The production runs from 23...
Published: November 2016

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Gay BC (12 July 1986)
Gay BC (Broadcasting Collective) was a community radio programme that broadcast weekly on Wellington's Access Radio from 1985 to the 1990s. This programme was...
Published: July 1986

In: Rainbow Voices of Aotearoa New Zealand

Georgia Andrews
As part of Project Uplift (the refurbishment of the Rainbow Room) a documentary was produced by the Office of the Clerk/Parliamentary Service to tell...
Published: April 2019

In: Georgina Beyer

Georgina Beyer
Georgina reflects on her childhood, various careers and time in public office. Georgina has also recorded interviews about significant legislation (prostitution reform, civil unions and...
Published: January 2013

In: Georgina Beyer

Georgina Beyer - people remembered
Georgina Beyer remembers some memorable people and situations - including Queen Elizabeth II, Ruby Wax, Jerry Hall, John Banks and facilitating a meeting in...
Published: January 2013

In: Georgina Beyer

Georgina Beyer - places and personalities
Georgina remembers some of the clubs, venues and personalities in Wellington from the mid-1970s and her time in Auckland in the 1980s. Georgina has...
Published: January 2013

In: Rainbow Politicians

Georgina Beyer - significant legislation
Georgina Beyer reflects on some of the significant legislation passed during her time in Parliament: the Prostitution Reform Act (2003), Civil Unions Act (2004)...
Published: January 2013

In: People

Geovana Peres
Boxer Geovana Peres talks to Benji Watt about winning the New Zealand National (NZNBF Version) Light Heavyweight title in April 2017. In winning the...
Published: May 2017

In: Butch on Butch

Glenda talks about growing up in a single-parent household in the 1950s, homosexual law reform and identifying as an effeminate lesbian feminist...
Published: April 2015

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Glenda Gale
Glenda talks about the gay liberation movement, homosexual law reform and the support group Breathing Space...
Published: September 2015

In: Rainbow Politicians

Grant Robertson
Grant Robertson from the Labour Party talks to Jo Jackson about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: October 2012

In: Rainbow Politicians

Grant Robertson - on his retirement as an MP
At the time of his retirement from national politics, Grant Robertson reflects on his time in Parliament. Grant began working at Parliament in 2001...
Published: April 2024

In: Events

Healthy Relationships and Consent launch
Audio from the launch of Healthy Relationships and Consent: through the lens of Rainbow identifying youth. The launch was held on 26 April...
Published: April 2021

In: People

Hinemoana Baker
Hinemoana talks about being a writer, musician and teacher...
Published: March 2010

In: People

Huhana Hickey
Huhana Hickey talks to Kathryn Ryan about indigenous disabled human rights and social justice advocacy...
Published: June 2013

In: Hui Takatāpui 2014

Hui Takatāpui interviews
Participants talk to Tabby Besley about attending the hui which was held at Te Papa-o-Rotu Marae, Whatawhata from the 6th to the 9th of...
Published: November 2014

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017

Human Rights with Richard Tankersley
Audio from a presentation by Human Rights Commissioner Richard Tankersley on human rights issues facing rainbow and gender diverse communities in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Published: March 2017

In: Events

Hutt Valley Pride 2022
Audio from the Living in Colour Pride event held at the Dowse Art Museum in Lower Hutt on 30 July 2022. It was...
Published: July 2022

In: Events

IDAHOBIT panel discussion
Audio from the youth panel discussion marking IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia) 2022. The event was hosted by MP...
Published: May 2022

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2018)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 21 May 2018. Parts of the service...
Published: May 2018

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2019)
Audio from the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial, held at the Tararua Tramping Club in Wellington on 19 May 2019. The theme of the...
Published: May 2019

In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform

Introduction (8 March 1985)
Audio from the introduction and first reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in Parliament, 8 March 1985. 0:00:14 - Fran Wilde...
Published: March 1985

In: People

Ivan Yeo
Ivan talks about growing up gay in Malaysia...
Published: May 2010

In: People

Jacquie Grant ONZM
Jacquie Grant talks about teenage years in Sydney, her time in Wellington in the 1960s and 1970s and her friendships with Carmen Rupe and...
Published: September 2022

In: Relationships

Jan and Ruth
Jan and Ruth talk about their backgrounds, careers and ageing together. Sadly, Jan passed away on 2 November 2022...
Published: March 2013

In: LILACs 30th birthday celebrations

Jan Jordan - Snorkelling the Abyss
Jan Jordan, author of Snorkelling the Abyss: One woman, striving to survive, fighting for survivors, talks about the book and her journey. Jan's talk...
Published: September 2024

In: Rainbow Politicians

Jan Logie
Jan Logie from the Green Party talks to Jo Jackson about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: October 2012

In: Q12 Hawke's Bay

Jason talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: February 2012

In: Snapshot 2000

Jerry talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: January 2000

In: People

Joan Bellingham
Joan describes her experiences as a trainee nurse at Burwood Hospital, and then as a patient at Princess Margaret Hospital (periodically from 1970 to...
Published: October 2023

In: John Jakeman

John Jakeman - hairdressing
John Jakeman talks about his career as a hairdresser - in Wellington, London and Europe, from the 1960s onwards...
Published: May 2017

In: Making a Difference

Jonathan Smith
Jonathan talks about growing up and creating, and running the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: January 2011

In: Arts and Media

Jules and Ness
Jules Lovelock and Ness Simons talk about film-making and what makes a queer film...
Published: August 2013

In: Organise - Creating Our Stories

Julian Cook
Julian talks about organising a variety of corporate and community-based events, including the GABA Gold Charity Auction, and the Hero and Aroha festivals...
Published: March 2012

In: Research - Creating Our Stories

Julie Glamuzina
Julie talks about researching lesbian-related subjects, particularly for the books Parker and Hulme: a lesbian view and Out Front: Lesbian Political Activity in Aotearoa...
Published: March 2012

In: People

Julz Darroch
Julz Darroch talks about exercise and wellness...
Published: October 2010

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Kay Jones
Kay talks about homosexual law reform activities in Auckland and Wellington, challenging inequality and bisexual erasure...
Published: October 2015

In: South: Nelson

Kennedy talks about pan-sexuality, school and Queer Straight Alliances (QSA)...
Published: October 2013

In: People

Kerry Brown
Kerry Brown talks about growing up in a small town and coming out. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: June 2010

In: People

Kira talks about transitioning from male to female at seventeen. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: May 2010

In: People

Kym Strathdee
Since the 1970s Kym Strathdee has photographed queer events and people around the world - including in Auckland, Wellington, Sydney, Melbourne and San Francisco...
Published: June 2022

In: Groups and Organisations

Roger Swanson talks about the history and purpose of LAGANZ - The Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand...
Published: September 2010

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Larger Than Life Stories
Audio from the session: Larger Than Life Stories. Alison Mau wrote the remarkable story of Liz Roberts, the first New Zealander to undergo full...
Published: February 2016

In: Carmen Rupe

Launch of Carmens traffic light
Audio from the launch of Carmen's traffic light, which can be seen on the corner of Ghuznee and Cuba Streets, Wellington. A special...
Published: August 2016

In: Letters to Lilburn

Launch of Letters to Lilburn
Audio from the book launch of Letters to Lilburn, held at the Milk and Honey Cafe, Victoria University of Wellington on 14 November 2022...
Published: November 2022

In: People

Laurel Hubbard media coverage
RNZ's MediaWatch looks at the media coverage relating to Olympian Laurel Hubbard - the first openly transgender athlete to complete at the Olympics...
Published: August 2021

In: People

Laurel Hubbard press conference
Excerpts from Laurel Hubbard's press conference the day after she competed at the Tokyo Olympics...
Published: August 2021

In: Wairarapa - Q12

Laurie talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018

LBGTI+ education forum
Audio from the LBGTI+ education forum, held during Wellington's Pride festival at St Andrews on the Terrace on 27 February 2018. The event...
Published: February 2018

In: Events

Leaving a Legacy
Audio from the Leaving a Legacy workshop held at Thistle Hall, Wellington on 14 September 2016. The workshop looked at creative ways to record...
Published: September 2016

In: Letters to Lilburn

Letters to Lilburn interviews
Interviews with family members of painter Douglas MacDiarmid (1922-2020). The interviews were recorded at the book launch of Letters to Lilburn, held at the...
Published: November 2022

In: Groups and Organisations

Maddy Drew and Carole Hicks talk about the history and activities of LILAC - the Lesbian Information, Library and Archives Centre...
Published: September 2010

In: Rainbow Politicians

Marilyn Waring
Marilyn Waring talks about her time as a Member of Parliament from 1975 - 1984. Marilyn talks about being outed by NZ Truth in...
Published: November 2012

In: People

Mary OHagan
Mary O'Hagan talks about growing up and mental health issues...
Published: October 2010

In: Events

Meet your rainbow candidates - General Election 2023
Rainbow Wellington and Out at PSA Network hosted an event to meet with rainbow-identifying candidates standing in the 2023 General Election. A special thank...
Published: August 2023

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Michele Cinq-Mars
Michele Cinq-Mars, Director of Communications for the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. This recording was possibly made at...
Published: June 1991

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

Model school display programmes
A presentation on school display programmes in Australia, Thailand and the United Kingdom. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for...
Published: March 1995

In: Events

National Schools Pride Week
Tabby Besley, Managing Director of InsideOUT, talks about the first ever National Schools Pride Week. The week ran 24-28 August 2020 with over 100...
Published: August 2020

In: Arts and Media

New Zealand Cartoons and Comics Archive
Sam Orchard, Assistant Curator Cartoons and Comics at the Alexander Turnbull Library, talks about the history of the New Zealand Cartoons and Comics Archive...
Published: January 2022

In: People

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
Ngahuia Te Awekotuku published New Zealand's first openly lesbian fiction in the 1970s, and in that same decade she was denied entry to the...
Published: March 2017

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Nicki Eddy and co (1992)
Nicki Eddy and Allan [Warren Butler] talk to Mike Bakers on Radio Pacific about the New Zealand AIDS Memorial Quilt. Special thanks to MediaWorks...
Published: September 1992

In: People

Nikki Carlson
Nikki reflects on a journey that has taken her from having a successful singer career as a teenager, to performing on NZ Idol, to...
Published: July 2016

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Now and Then
Audio from the session: Now and Then. A mash-up of readings of new voices and established writers noted for their evocation of our challenging...
Published: February 2016

In: South: Otago

Oliver talks about being a queer trans-man in Dunedin...
Published: May 2014

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2016

Opening of Out in the Park
Audio from the opening of Out in the Park, held in Waitangi Park, Wellington on Saturday 12 March 2016. The event marked the 30th...
Published: March 2016

In: Events

Out in the carPark
Participants, stall-holders and the public talk about attending the Love Parade and Out in the carPark. 0:00:05 - Karen Harris, parade co-ordinator 0:02:25 - Adrienne...
Published: March 2015

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2018

Out in the Park opening
Audio from the opening of Out in the Park. The event took place on 24 February 2018 at Waitangi Park, Wellington. 00:07 - Waiata...
Published: February 2018

In: Events

Out of the Ashes
Audio from the event to mark four major queer anniversaries: 30 years since the formation of the Lesbian and Gay Archives of New Zealand...
Published: September 2022

In: Groups and Organisations

Squadron Leader Stu Pearce talks about OverWatch - a group that provides support and guidance to the New Zealand Defence Force’s rainbow community...
Published: February 2013

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Paddling Your Own Waka
Audio from the session: Paddling Your Own Waka. In a world of the internet, global publishing companies no longer have the same power as...
Published: February 2016

In: Events

Paekākāriki Pop-up Vaxx
Audio from Paekākāriki's Pop-up Covid-19 Vaxx event held on Sunday 21 November 2021. 0:00:01 - Val Little 0:06:17 - Pat McIntosh 0:08:21 - Michal Salter-Duke, Capital...
Published: November 2021

In: Queer History 101

Parker and Hulme murder case
Alison talks about the Parker and Hulme murder case from 1954, where the two teenage friends murdered Parker's mother. Christchurch City Libraries have digitised...
Published: January 2011

In: The Book That Turned the Light On - Same Same But Different writers festival

Part 1
Audio from the session: The Book That Turned the Light On. In a past of illegality and stigma, books asserted a powerful presence. For...
Published: February 2016

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (23 October 1985)

Part 1 (23 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 23 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: The Book That Turned the Light On - Same Same But Different writers festival

Part 2
Audio from the session: The Book That Turned the Light On. In a past of illegality and stigma, books asserted a powerful presence. For...
Published: February 2016

In: Opening ceremony at Parliament - Wellington Pride Festival 2016

Part 2
Audio from the opening ceremony at Parliament: remembering the Homosexual Law Reform era - 30 years on. Note a number of musical performances have...
Published: March 2016

In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (20 November 1985)

Part 2 (20 November 1985)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 20 November 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: November 1985

In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 April 1986)

Part 2 (9 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 April 1986 (part 2 of 2). This...
Published: April 1986

In: Rainbow Pride Community Honours (2015)

Part 3
Part 3 of an honours evening which celebrated people who have made outstanding contributions to the queer and takataapui communities of the Wellington region...
Published: February 2015

In: Our Forgotten Epidemic

Part One
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part One - an epidemic arrives Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV and...
Published: July 2022

In: Our Forgotten Epidemic

Part Six
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part Six - Our future is our past Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to...
Published: September 2022

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Participant Reaction
Participants reflect on the Marriage Equality Conference held at Community House in Wellington. 00:07 - Sara Fraser 00:29 - Ian Anderson 01:44 - Shelley Te Waiariki...
Published: December 2012

In: Shift hui (2016)

Participants (part 2)
Rowan Moulder talks to participants at Shift hui 2016. More participant interviews can be heard in part one. 00:07 - Ashley, Te Maunga...
Published: April 2016

In: People

Paul talks about growing up in Australia in the 1950s, sex work in New York City, cruising Rudolf Nureyev, serving beer to Marlene Dietrich...
Published: April 2015

In: Capture - Creating Our Stories

Paul Diamond
Paul talks about some of the techniques he uses to record oral histories...
Published: May 2012

In: Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation

Poutokomanawa opening night
Audio from the opening night of Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation. The exhibition runs from 20 September - 15 December 2019 at the...
Published: September 2019

In: Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation

Poutokomanawa storytelling
As part of the exhibition Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation, community members came together to recount stories of people, places and events in Wellington...
Published: October 2019

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Prue Hyman
Prue takes Jac Lynch through a personal archive of newspaper articles, letters and submissions made in support of homosexual law reform...
Published: November 2015

In: Groups and Organisations

Queer Avengers
Sara Fraser talks about the history of the Queer Avengers and some of its activities. The group was formed in Wellington in 2011 and...
Published: September 2018

In: Arts and Media

Queer radio in the United Kingdom
Matthew Linfoot talks about the history of gay and lesbian radio in the United Kingdom...
Published: January 2011

In: Beyond Rainbows

Rachel and Stacey
Rachel and Stacey talk about identifying as asexual...
Published: March 2014

In: Shift hui (2017)

Rainbows in a Monochrome World
Navigating the world as someone from rainbow communities brings with it many challenges, taking different forms for different people. Dani, Lee, Lilly, Brandon, Ethan...
Published: April 2017

In: Events

Rally for feminism and trans rights
Audio from the rally held on Wednesday 3 May 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition...
Published: May 2023

In: Marriage Equality

Rally for Marriage Equality
Audio from the rally for Marriage Equality, held on the steps of Parliament, 29 August 2012 - the day that the Marriage Amendment Bill...
Published: August 2012

In: People

Randy Alfred
Randy talks about producing the radio programme The Gay Life, which broadcast on KSAN San Francisco in the 1970s and early 1980s. Randy produced...
Published: June 2012

In: People

Rangimoana Taylor
Rangimoana talks about growing up, biculturalism, activism and storytelling...
Published: March 2015

In: Parliaments Rainbow Room

Re-opening of the Rainbow Room
Audio from the re-opening of the Rainbow Room at Parliament. The event also marked the New Zealand launch of Andrew Reynold's book The...
Published: May 2019

In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009

Reactions to day 1
Hui participants reflect on the first day of the hui...
Published: January 2009

In: Rainbow Studies Now 2023

Rebekah Galbraith
Dr Rebekah Galbraith presents at the Rainbow Studies Now symposium, held on 23 November 2023 at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington...
Published: November 2023

In: Marriage Equality

Reflections on Church and State (Auckland)
Audio from a marriage equality discussion held at St-Matthew-in-the-City on 22 November 2012. Clay Nelson, Boris Dittrich, Louisa Wall and audience members discuss marriage...
Published: November 2012

In: Carmen Rupe

Remembering Carmen Rupe
Audio from people remembering Carmen after the powhiri gifting of her taonga (cultural treasures) to Te Papa - Museum of New Zealand on 1...
Published: November 2013

In: Georgina Beyer

Remembering Georgina Beyer
The 2023 Wellington Pride Festival was made more emotional with the passing of community icon Georgina Beyer. The first public mention of Georgina's...
Published: March 2023

In: People

Remembering Jonathan Dennis
Emma Jean Kelly talks about researching and writing her PhD on Jonathan Dennis - the founding director of the New Zealand Film Archive...
Published: April 2016

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Report Back
Conference Chair Rawa Karetai invites the two conference streams to report back on their sessions at the end of the Marriage Equality Conference held...
Published: December 2012

In: Walk Tours

Resonance walk tour
Join the team from Walk Tours NZ for the Resonance walk tour in Wellington...
Published: May 2020

In: Religion and Spirituality

Rev. Clay Nelson
Clay talks about his work with St Matthew-in-the-City; particularly organising the church billboards that have gained international attention...
Published: January 2013

In: People

Robin Duff
Robin Duff talks about many of the activist groups he was involved with in the 1970s, being the first openly gay man in New...
Published: April 2013

In: People

Ruth Busch
Ruth talks about her early years in the Bronx, growing up in a Holocaust surviving family, coming out as a lesbian and her legal...
Published: February 2013

In: Documentary

Explore the iconic figure of the sailor in rainbow culture. The programme also looks at sexual activity around the wharfs and on the...
Published: September 1998

In: Events

Samesame But Different: Te Whanganui-a-Tara edition
Audio from the Samesame But Different event held at the National Library on 23 September 2022. Emily Writes chairs a panel of poets: Cadence...
Published: September 2022

In: Q12 Auckland

Scott (2)
Scott talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: February 2012

In: People

Scott Johnston
Scott talks about coming out in the 1980s and being one of the creators of the Hero parade - which at its peak in...
Published: May 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality

Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: March 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings

Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill on 11 August 2021. The second reading was passed unanimously...
Published: August 2021

In: Beyond conference

Session 10
Audio from the session: Beyond marriage. Marriage is often presented as the highest legal right for LGBT communities. However in the wake of the...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 11
Audio from the session: Fighting homophobia, transphobia and bigotry in our communities. Social transformation means transformation of our own communities; our workplaces, schools, homes...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 12
Audio from the session: Gender and Prisons. Prisons have long been used as a way to confine, control and monitor populations. Despite clear evidence...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 3
Audio from the session: Naming - who are we? Names such as lesbian, gay, queer, takataapui, and fa'afafine work to both include, and exclude...
Published: October 2013

In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013

Session 5
Audio from the session: Class panel - social stigma, mental health and institutionalisation. Participants include Hana Plant, Nic and Ruth Amato...
Published: June 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 6
Audio from the session: Takaktāpui perspectives. Historically Māori society was based on sexual diversity and acceptance of difference. Are these the contemporary views...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 7
Audio from the session: Trans representation in the media. Mainstream media representations of trans* folk are often objectifying, inaccurate or outright hostile. A discussion...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 8
Audio from the session: Beyond parenting. While the passing of marriage rights for same-sex couples addressed some issues with our adoption laws, these laws...
Published: October 2013

In: Rainbow Politicians

Shanan Halbert
Shanan Halbert from the Labour Party talks to Regis Perez about what it's like to be a Member of Parliament...
Published: November 2022

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Shelley Te Waiariki Howard
Shelley talks about being in the military during homosexual law reform, the need to repress and then express her femininity, and the power of...
Published: October 2015

In: Arts and Media

Sian Torrington
Sian Torrington, curator of the Topp Twins exhibition, talks about the process of developing the exhibition at Te Manawa Museum in Palmerston North. The...
Published: July 2017

In: Documentary

Speaking Out
Two broadcasters talk about being gay in the media...
Published: April 1999

In: People

Stuart Douce
Stuart talks about some of the issues with being a gay teacher at a single-sex secondary school...
Published: October 2010

In: Q12 Wellington

Tabby talks about being young and pansexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Rainbow Politicians

Tangi Utikere maiden statement in Parliament
The maiden statement of Tangi Utikere in Parliament, 2 December 2020...
Published: December 2020

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Teenage Years
Audio from the session: Teenage Years. To set the scene, Chrys Jones and her friend Aleisha Parkinson give a performance of I Am Sure...
Published: February 2016

In: Groups and Organisations

The beginnings of
Alison Day interviews Gareth Watkins, the founder of PrideNZ, about the website and how it came about. Alison is currently a Doctoral candidate...
Published: February 2023

In: Georgina Beyer

The Life and Times of Georgina Beyer
Audio from the memorial event for Georgina Beyer (Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Raukawa, and Ngāti Porou), held at the Embassy Theatre in...
Published: July 2023

In: Georgina Beyer

The Rainbow Perspective - Georgina Beyer
This is one of the last radio interviews with Georgina Beyer before her death on 6 March 2023. Georgina talks to Brianna Ball...
Published: January 2023

In: Groups and Organisations

The Womens Bookshop
Carole Beu talks about establishing The Women's Bookshop - an independent bookshop which opened in Auckland in 1989...
Published: June 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality

Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: April 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences)

Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by...
Published: April 2018

In: Beyond Rainbows

Tim talks about the experience of being in prison and then life after release...
Published: May 2015

In: Rainbow Politicians

Tim Barnett
Tim Barnett talks about growing up in the United Kingdom; becoming Britain's "first professional homosexual"; moving to New Zealand and becoming a Member of...
Published: November 2013

In: Proud 2016

Trans* hui report-back
Audio from the Trans* pre-conference hui report-back. The hui was held at Preservatorium Cafe and Cannery, Te Aro on 9 March 2016. 00009...
Published: March 2016

In: Trans Awareness Week 2019

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2019
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2019 Audio from the service at St Andrews on the Terrace, Wellington to mark the 20th Transgender Day of Remembrance...
Published: November 2019

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2021

Transgender Health Panel Discussion
Audio from the transgender health panel discussion, held on International Transgender Day of Visibility, 31 March 2021. The event was recorded at the Ministry...
Published: March 2021

In: Carmen Rupe

Trevor Morley - Wellington Vice Squad
Trevor Morley talks about working on the Vice Squad in Wellington in the 1970s; including cases involving Carmen Rupe, the movie Deep Throat and...
Published: April 2012

In: Events

Unsettled Diasporas
Audio from Unsettled Diasporas - a panel discussion on Asian feminism from contributors to Mellow Yellow, a local Asian feminist zine. The panel...
Published: August 2015

In: Queer History 101

Ursula Bethell
Alison talks about the New Zealand poet Ursula Bethell...
Published: January 2011

In: South: Canterbury

Wei talks about identifying as bigender and queer...
Published: May 2014

In: People

Welby Ings
Welby talks about growing up, his involvement in homosexual law reform, the early days of HIV AIDS in New Zealand and his films Boy...
Published: September 2012

In: Events

Whakarongo: Pride, ILGA World and beyond
Interviews with participants from the community hui: Whakarongo - Pride, ILGA World and beyond. The hui was organised by Tiwhanawhana Trust and held...
Published: January 2019

In: Documentary

What I Fear
A group of men talk about their fears as gay men...
Published: December 1998

In: Proud 2016

Youth and Womens hui report backs
Report backs from the youth pre-conference hui and the women's pre-conference hui, followed by Ros Noonan - patron of Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New...
Published: March 2016

In: Butch on Butch

Zoe talks about school life, identity and sumo wrestling in Russia...
Published: March 2015