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Tim Barnett(November 2013)

In this podcast Tim Barnett talks about growing up in the United Kingdom; becoming Britain's "first professional homosexual"; moving to New Zealand and becoming a Member of Parliament. Tim also talks about two significant pieces of legislation - Prostitution Reform Act and the Civil Union Act.

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This podcast was made possible through generous support from the Rule Foundation


This summary outlines the progression and outcomes of significant social legislation in New Zealand, focusing principally on the Prostitution Reform Act (2003) and the Civil Union Act (2004), leading to the Marriage Equality Bill passage in 2013. Tim Barnett, having a pivotal role in these landmark changes, reflects on the multi-layered process of transforming such legislation into law.

The Prostitution Reform Act was introduced in 2000 and passed in 2003 after a rigorous parliamentary process, starkly characterized by its deliberative approach around the contentious issues of sex work. Barnett's role was instrumental in navigating through this complex milieu, ensuring that the legislation both acknowledged sex work as a reality and protected sex workers from harm, emphasizing decriminalization. The Act was groundbreaking, positioning New Zealand as a global example of humane and evidence-based policy reform regarding sex work. Despite facing a formidable opposition, including from groups like the Maxim Institute and encountering threats to reverse the law, the Act exemplified a significant shift towards integrating previously marginalized individuals into the societal mainstream.

Following the Prostitution Reform Act, the Civil Union Bill emerged as another transformative piece of legislation. Unlike the grassroots-driven homosexual law reform in the mid-1980s, the Civil Union Bill was a more centralized initiation from the Labour Party Government, assessing international models and consulting with the queer community. Despite the established emotional and intellectual support, challenges emerged from groups such as the Destiny Church. Still, the campaign for civil unions was more sophisticated and anchored in rights-based arguments than its predecessors, intensifying public advocacy and gaining wide-ranging media support.

The passage of civil unions in 2004, which provided legal status and protections equivalent to marriage for same-sex couples, paved the way for the subsequent Marriage Equality Bill in 2013. While Barnett did not directly engage with the latter's political discourse, they acknowledge the Civil Union Bill as a precursor that supported the eventual acceptance of marriage equality. The relatively larger margin in the bill’s passage indicates an evolving political environment and societal acceptance.

Reflectively, Barnett considered the cyclical nature of the political landscape, identifying strategic moments for progressive legislation and recognizing the need for inter-party collaboration on conscience votes. They voice the opinion that New Zealand could take a more active role in promoting its social reform achievements internationally, specifically in neighboring Pacific nations where rights for queer individuals and sex workers remain limited.

Overall, Barnett's perspective offers an inside look at the intricate, arduous journey from proposal to law, highlighting the significance of steadfast advocacy, cross-party cooperation, and the cultural evolution over time towards a more inclusive New Zealand society.

This summary is created using Generative AI. Although it is based on the recording's transcription, it may contain errors or omissions. Click here to learn more about how this summary was created.


1960s, 1990s, 2000s, activism, adoption, aotearoa new zealand, bill birch, brian tamaki, brothels, campaign for civil unions, capital gay (london), catherine healy, charles chauvel, chris carter, christchurch, church of st michael and all angels, civil rights, civil union act (2004), civil unions, clause 28 (local government act 1988, great britain), community law centre (christchurch), david benson-pope, decriminalisation, derek jarman, des smith, destiny church, disability, equality, freedom dance party (christchurch), gay, geoff braybrooke, georgina beyer, heather roy, helen clark, hiv / aids, homosexual law reform, human rights, human rights act (1993), ian mckellen, identity, internet, john banks, john jolliff, john key, john stringer, judith collins, katherine o'regan, kevin hague, lambda centre, legacy, lianne dalziel, lobbying, louisa wall, luamanuvao winnie laban, margaret thatcher, marian hobbs, marilyn waring, marriage, marriage equality, maurice williamson, maxim institute, media, melissa farley, mmp (mixed-member proportional electoral system), new zealand aids foundation (nzaf), new zealand labour party, nick partridge, nzpc: aotearoa new zealand sex workers' collective, outrage! (uk), parliament buildings, politics, prostitution reform act (2003), rana waitai, relationships, religion, rodney hide, rule foundation, sex work, sexuality, south africa, stonewall (uk group), sue bradford, tariana turia, terry higgins, the press (christchurch), tim barnett, united kingdom, wellington, winston peters, wolfenden report

Tags (computer generated)

abortion, abortion law reform, abuse, acceptance, access, acting, activities, advice, advocate, africa, age of consent, agenda, allies, amsterdam, anglican church, animal rights, arrest, artist, arts, attack, auckland, australia, balance, barbados, barriers, bars, bbc, bbc world service, bear, benjamin britten, berlin, bible, billboards, blessing, board, books, boundaries, broadcasting, building, camp, campaigns, canada, capital, career, change, choice, christmas, church, cinema, circle of friends memorial, class, closet, collective, coming out, coming up, community, community law, competition, composition, compromise, conference, confidence, conscience vote, consensual sex, consent, conservative, conversation, council, culture, current affairs, dance, data, david, democracy, demonstrations, design, difference, diversity, dominant, donation, drama, drugs, dysfunctional, economics, email, employment, empowerment, engagement, environment, europe, euthanasia, events, exercise, expression, family, fear, feelings, film, fire, florida, flying, food, france, fraud, freedom, friends, fun, funding, future, gallery, gambling, gender, german, germany, god, government, green party, growing up, hamilton, health, heritage, heterosexual, hiding, history, hit, hollywood, homophobia, homosexual, homosexual law reform, housing, human rights commission, humanity, hunters corner, imagery, immigration, individual, inequality, intervention, ireland, italy, job, journey, justice, justice committee, knowledge, language, law, lawyer, leadership, legislation, lesbian, letter, liberation, library, listening, lived experience, london, loner, love, mainstream, malaysia, march, marriage equality, mayor, meetings, melbourne, member of parliament, michael cullen, mmp, music, narrative, national party, nature, nelson, netherlands, new south wales, new zealand first, news, nigel christie, normal, occupation, other, outreach, pacific, painting, pansy, pants, parents, paris, parties, passing, passive, peace, people, peter tatchell, petition, plan, podcast, police, policy, pool, poverty, power, prejudice, priorities, profile, proposal, protest, public health, public opinion, public transport, queer, race, radio, radio pacific, rage, rainbow, rally, reading, recognition, referendum, reflection, regrets, rent, research, resource, retirement, review, rowing, royal commission, rugby, running, sad, safety, scene, scholarship, school, scotland, select committee, sex, sexual abuse, shoes, shopping, sleep, social, social change, soliciting, soul, space, spain, spectrum, speech, sport, stigma, straight, stress, structure, stuff, submission, suicide, support, surgery, survey, swimming, tactics, teaching, technology, the edge, the other side, threats, time, top, touch, tough, training, transgender, transport, trauma, travel, treat, trust, truth, understanding, unions, united future, university, values, vicar, victim, video, voice, volunteer, vote, wales, water, weaving, website, women, women's rights, work, writing, youth

Record date:13th November 2013
Interviewer:Gareth Watkins
Location:Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004283).