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Tag: expression

Order by Date

In: Q12 Auckland

[name withheld 6]
[name withheld] talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: April 2012

In: Q12 Manawatu

[name withheld 9]
[name withheld] talks about being young and bicurious in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Homosexual Law Reform

35th anniversary panel discussion on homosexual law reform
Fran Wilde, Trevor Mallard and Kevin Haunui reflect on the campaign for homosexual law reform in the mid-1980s. The panel is introduced by Judy...
Published: July 2021

In: Issues

A Place to Stand
MP Jan Logie's speech in Parliament on 14 February 2018 during the General Debate. Jan pays tribute to Dana de Milo, speaks about...
Published: February 2018

In: Events

A Queer Existence launch
Audio from the launch of Mark Beehre's book A Queer Existence. The launch was held at Unity Books in Wellington on 19 October 2021...
Published: October 2021

In: Proud 2016

A Refugee Among Refugees
Eliana's case attracted international media attention after she was detained at Hong Kong International Airport's immigration facility for over 8-months as her appearance did...
Published: March 2016

In: Beyond Rainbows

Alex talks about identifying as asexual female-to-male trans* guy...
Published: March 2015

In: Q12 Waikato

Alex-Rae talks about being young and pansexual in 2012...
Published: July 2012

In: Q12 Manawatu

Alexandra talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Q12 Auckland

Allia talks about being young and pansexual in 2012. Allia talked to Ben during the Hui Putahi, held at Tapu te Ranga Marae in...
Published: July 2012

In: People

Anne Perry
Joanne Drayton discusses her biography of crime writer Anne Perry, better known in New Zealand as the convicted muderer Juliet Hulme...
Published: September 2012

In: Conversion Practices

Announcement of the Bill
Audio from the media conference to announce the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. The media event took place at the offices of OUTLine NZ...
Published: July 2021

In: Q12 Auckland

Antica talks about being young and lesbian in 2012. Antica talked to Ben during the Hui Putahi, held at Tapu te Ranga Marae in...
Published: July 2012

In: HIV/AIDS in Aotearoa New Zealand

Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis
Audio from the panel discussion Art, Craft and the AIDS Crisis held at the Dowse Art Museum, Lower Hutt on 26 May 2018...
Published: May 2018

In: Q12 The Tour

Benji Watt
Benji Watt, producer of Q12 The Tour, talks about the tour and his personal journey...
Published: September 2012

In: Proud 2016

Bisexual plenary
Audio from the bisexual plenary, including the gameshow We Want It All. 0:00:07 - We Want It All - the Biphobia Gameshow 0:01:55 - [Hinemoana...
Published: March 2016

In: Out in the Park participants (2016)

Bob Davis
Bob Davis talks about the anger and activism of the 1970s which laid the foundations for homosexual law reform in the 1980s...
Published: March 2016

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Boris Dittrich
Boris Dittrich from Netherlands talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: People

Brendan Goudswaard
Brendan talks about growing up and being a facilitator with Schools Out - a queer youth group in Wellington. This interview was funded by...
Published: April 2010

In: Queen of the Whole Universe

Campbell Gordon
Recorded before he won Queen of the Whole Universe as Ms Spain, Campbell talks about performing in the beauty pageant...
Published: July 2012

In: Carmen Rupe

Carmen Rupe memorial, Wellington
Audio from the memorial to Carmen held at Scotty and Mal's Cocktail and Lounge Bar. 0:00:12 - Malcolm Kennedy-Vaughan 0:05:45 - Grant Robertson 0:10:40 - Georgina...
Published: January 2012

In: Butch on Butch

Cathie describes what it is like being queer in the legal profession and doing stand-up comedy...
Published: April 2015

In: Out in the Park participants (2016)

Charlie Tredway
Charlie, a Community Engagement Officer with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation talks about attending Out in the Park for the first time, the Love...
Published: March 2016

In: Events

Chosen Family Night panel
Audio from the Chosen Family Night panel discussion held on Saturday 17 June 2023 at City Gallery Wellington. Panellists Kerryn Pollock, Erin Ramsey and...
Published: June 2023

In: Arts and Media

Chris Gendall
Chris Gendall talks about life as a composer and also pays tribute to Jack Body...
Published: June 2016

In: People

Claire Ryan
Claire Ryan talks about disability, gender and sexual identity...
Published: February 2010

In: AIDS Memorial Quilt

Cleve Jones
Cleve Jones, founder of the NAMES Project, talks to Ian Kember about the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The quilt was first unfolded on 11...
Published: June 1991

In: Ceremonies - AsiaPacific Outgames

Closing comments
Closing comments from the Human Rights conference (includes comments from the keynote speakers)...
Published: March 2011

In: Proud 2016

Closing plenary
Audio from the closing plenary hosted by Ros Noonan. This is followed by the poroporoaki led by Richard Tankersley and Elizabeth Kerekere...
Published: March 2016

In: Snapshot 2000

Coming out stories
Coming out stories In this podcast compilation participants talk about their coming out experiences...
Published: January 2000

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality

Committee of the whole House
Audio from the Committee of the whole House debate on the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. The Bill passed this stage without any...
Published: March 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform

Committee of the Whole House (2 April 1986)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 2 April 1986. A more detailed log...
Published: April 1986

In: Ceremonies - AsiaPacific Outgames

Conference closing
Audio from the closing of the Human Rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: Trans Awareness Week 2019

Counting Ourselves
Audio from the Wellington launch of Counting Ourselves held at the Newtown Community and Cultural Centre on 16 November 2019. The presentation was...
Published: November 2019

In: Events

Courage Day 2020
On 16 November 2020, the New Zealand Society of Authors (Wellington Branch) held an event to mark Courage Day, internationally known as the Day...
Published: November 2020

In: Q12 Manawatu

Daniel talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Proud 2016

Dont Leave Out the I
Audio from the workshop Don't Leave Out the I: Intersex issues in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. This workshop is historic as it...
Published: March 2016

In: People of colour Decolonisation hui

Elizabeth Kerekere
Elizabeth gives a keynote presentation at the hui...
Published: February 2012

In: Events

Elizabeth Kerekere farewell from Parliament
Audio from MP Elizabeth Kerekere's farewell event held at Parliament on 16 August 2023. A special thank you to the organisers and participants...
Published: August 2023

In: Events

Exploring Trans Activism and Representation in Media
Audio from the panel discussion: Exploring Trans Activism and Representation in Media. The panel was part of Auckland Zinefest 2016, and included panelists Aram Wu...
Published: July 2016

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Faith Forum
Rev. Dr. Margaret Maymen leads a discussion on the faith-based Christian case for marriage equality, and provides some "spiritual self-defence" strategies for difficult conversations...
Published: December 2012

In: Events

Fighting for Our Lives
Audio from the online event hosted by Queer Endurance/Defiance and the Wellington Workers' Educational Association. A special thank you to the participants and organisers...
Published: May 2022

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Fighting Homophobia
Audio from the second keynote panel discussion: Fighting Homophobia in Our Communities. Speakers include Bill Logan, Eileen Brown, Steve Farrow, Jan Logie and...
Published: December 2012

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Conversion Practices Prohibition

First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Justice Minister Kris Faafoi on...
Published: August 2021

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences)

First reading of the Bill
Audio from the first reading of the Criminal Records (Expungement of Convictions for Historical Homosexual Offences) Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by...
Published: July 2017

In: Conversion Practices

Focus on Politics: Conversion therapy
RNZ's Focus on Politics discusses the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill. The programme was broadcast a day after the Bill had its first...
Published: August 2021

In: Queer History 101

Frances Hodgkins
Alison talks about the New Zealand painter Frances Hodgkins...
Published: January 2011

In: Arts and Media

Galathea: Into the Bush
Hilary Penwarden talks to Ania Upstill about producing queer theatre and the upcoming production Galathea: Into the Bush. The production runs from 23...
Published: November 2016

In: Arts and Media

Gender Matters in Writing
Sam Orchard talks to writers Emma Barnes, Jackson Nieuwland and Jiaqiao Liu about the complexities and beauty of writing about gender in Aotearoa today...
Published: August 2021

In: Butch on Butch

George talks about being part of the Butch on Butch exhibition, wanting to be part of a conversation about female masculinity and what Butch...
Published: February 2015

In: Queen of the Whole Universe

Gerry Masters
Gerry talks about being one of the boys in the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: June 2012

In: The Glamaphones - homosexual law reform

Glamaphone interviews
In this podcast we speak to members of The Glamaphones and co. before their concert at St. Andrew's on the Terrace celebrating 30 years...
Published: June 2016

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Grace Poore and Satya Rai Nagpaul
Grace Poore and Satya Rai Nagpaul talk about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: Older Gay Men

Grant talks about caring for his elderly partner...
Published: September 2012

In: Issues

Homosexual Law Reform petition (1968)
On 8 November 1968 Parliament heard the report back from the Petitions Committee relating to the recent Homosexual Law Reform petition. This recording...
Published: November 1968

In: 2nd AsiaPacific Outgames Human Rights Conference

Human Rights film evening
Screenings and discussions on two films: Courage Unfolds - Living the Principles and Assume Nothing. Courage Unfolds - Living the Principles seeks to...
Published: March 2011

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017

Human Rights with Richard Tankersley
Audio from a presentation by Human Rights Commissioner Richard Tankersley on human rights issues facing rainbow and gender diverse communities in Aotearoa New Zealand...
Published: March 2017

In: Events

Hutt Valley Pride 2022
Audio from the Living in Colour Pride event held at the Dowse Art Museum in Lower Hutt on 30 July 2022. It was...
Published: July 2022

In: Events

Audio from the IDAHOBIT event held at Parliament. The panel presentation marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia. A special...
Published: May 2017

In: Events

IDAHOBIT panel discussion
Audio from the youth panel discussion marking IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, Biphobia and Intersexphobia) 2022. The event was hosted by MP...
Published: May 2022

In: Proud 2016

ILGA scholars plenary
Audio from the ILGA scholars plenary session. Our ILGA Oceania area is huge - boarded on one side by Australia and Papua New Guinea...
Published: March 2016

In: International AIDS Memorial Quilt Conference (1995)

International Quilt projects
Representatives from Canada, Zambia, and Japan make presentations to the conference. A special thank you to Christina Sunley, the conference organiser, for allowing this...
Published: March 1995

In: Parliamentary proceedings: homosexual law reform

Introduction (8 March 1985)
Audio from the introduction and first reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in Parliament, 8 March 1985. 0:00:14 - Fran Wilde...
Published: March 1985

In: Butch on Butch

Jac Lynch
Photographer Jac Lynch talks about the Butch on Butch photographic project...
Published: May 2015

In: Capture - Creating Our Stories

Jack Perkins
Jack talks about his forty years with the public radio programme Spectrum, a weekly human-interest documentary series that is based around recording on location...
Published: July 2012

In: Queen of the Whole Universe

Jacki Byrd
Jacki talks about being part of the Queen of the Whole Universe beauty pageant...
Published: April 2012

In: Q12 Auckland

Jasper talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: February 2012

In: Keynote speakers - AsiaPacific Outgames

John Fisher
John Fisher delivers a keynote presentation. John is introduced by Rosslyn Noonan...
Published: March 2011

In: John Jakeman

John Jakeman - hairdressing
John Jakeman talks about his career as a hairdresser - in Wellington, London and Europe, from the 1960s onwards...
Published: May 2017

In: Religion and Spirituality

Kathy Baldock
Kathy Baldock, a straight Evangelical Christian LGBTI ally, talks about the current marriage equality debate in Australia, the changing nature of the Salvation Army...
Published: September 2016

In: Religion and Spirituality

Keith King
Keith talks about spirituality, discovery and ageing...
Published: October 2013

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Kestin Stewart
Kestin Stewart from New Zealand talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Khartini Slamah (2)
Khartini Slamah from Malaysia talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: Letters to Lilburn

Launch of Letters to Lilburn
Audio from the book launch of Letters to Lilburn, held at the Milk and Honey Cafe, Victoria University of Wellington on 14 November 2022...
Published: November 2022

In: ILGA World Conference 2019

Launch of the ILGA World Conference 2019
Audio from the launch of the ILGA World Conference 2019. The event was held at the National Library of New Zealand on 24...
Published: August 2018

In: Wairarapa - Q12

Laurie talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Groups and Organisations

Lesbian Programme
Prue Hyman talks about the Lesbian Programme which has been broadcasting since the mid-1980's on Access Radio in Wellington...
Published: September 2010

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Linda Evans
Linda talks about being part of various groups that rallied in support of homosexual law reform...
Published: August 2015

In: Documentary

Loyal A group of men talk about coming out after marrying and having children...
Published: July 1999

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Marriage, Adoption and Human Rights
Kevin Hague MP talks about the history of human rights legislation - internationally and in New Zealand. This session was recorded during the...
Published: December 2012

In: Arts and Media

Mates and Lovers
Ronald Trifero Nelson and co-producer Ahi Karunaharan talk about the second season of Mates and Lovers - a play based around historical events in...
Published: October 2010

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2021

Mia Farlane
Author Mia Farlane reads from, and discusses Parallel Hell. Mia is introduced by Carole Hicks. After the readings there are questions from...
Published: March 2021

In: People

Mira Woldberg
Dutch ambassador to New Zealand Mira Woldberg talks about the Dutch government’s commitment to promote and protect human rights internationally and its ongoing support...
Published: February 2020

In: Making a Difference

Miriam Saphira
Miriam Saphira talks about growing up, being a writer and researcher, and establishing the Charlotte Museum. This podcast was funded by a generous grant...
Published: January 2011

In: Q12 Waikato

Nate talks about being young, transgender and bisexual in 2012...
Published: July 2012

In: Out in the Park participants (2016)

Nathan Ross
Nathan talks about creating safe spaces, bisexual erasure and double lives...
Published: March 2016

In: Conversion Practices

New Zealand Association of Counsellors
Christine Macfarlane, President of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors, talks about the Association's 2020 policy on conversion practices. Christine also talks about the...
Published: August 2020

In: Arts and Media

New Zealand Cartoons and Comics Archive
Sam Orchard, Assistant Curator Cartoons and Comics at the Alexander Turnbull Library, talks about the history of the New Zealand Cartoons and Comics Archive...
Published: January 2022

In: Orlando mass shooting

New Zealand Parliament
Audio from a parliamentary motion put by the Prime Minister to acknowledge the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, USA on 13...
Published: June 2016

In: People

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku
Ngahuia Te Awekotuku published New Zealand's first openly lesbian fiction in the 1970s, and in that same decade she was denied entry to the...
Published: March 2017

In: Marriage Equality Conference

Nigel Studdart
Nigel Studdart talks about the impact of losing his teaching position at Pompallier Catholic College during the Marriage Equality debate. This interview was recorded...
Published: December 2012

In: Queer History in the Making

Open mic sessions
Audio from the open mic sessions held during the community event Queer History in the Making, where individuals and community groups were invited to...
Published: September 2015

In: Events

Our Stonewall
2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising in New York City. The uprising, which began on 28 June 1969, is seen...
Published: June 2019

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2021

Out in the City (2021)
Interviews with people at Out in the City, which was held on 27 March 2021 at the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington. Founded in 1986...
Published: March 2021

In: Proud 2016

Pacific Health and Spirituality
Audio from the workshop: Pacific Health and Spirituality. The workshop covered sexuality, spirituality and access to health services, in particular focusing on Christianity as...
Published: March 2016

In: Proud 2016

Pacific Human Rights Conference outcomes
Discussion on the Pacific Human Rights Conference, held 11-14 May 2015 in Tonga. The conference was hosted by the Pacific Sexual Diversity Network...
Published: March 2016

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (16 October 1985)

Part 1 (16 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: Parliament: Committee of the Whole House - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (20 November 1985)

Part 1 (20 November 1985)
Audio from parts of the Committee of the Whole House during the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 20 November 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: November 1985

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (23 October 1985)

Part 1 (23 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 23 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 October 1985)

Part 1 (9 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 October 1985 (part 1 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: The Book That Turned the Light On - Same Same But Different writers festival

Part 2
Audio from the session: The Book That Turned the Light On. In a past of illegality and stigma, books asserted a powerful presence. For...
Published: February 2016

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (16 October 1985)

Part 2 (16 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 16 October 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: Parliament: second reading debate - Homosexual Law Reform Bill (9 October 1985)

Part 2 (9 October 1985)
Audio from parts of the debate during the second reading of the Homosexual Law Reform Bill, 9 October 1985 (part 2 of 2)...
Published: October 1985

In: Our Forgotten Epidemic

Part One
Our Forgotten Epidemic. Part One - an epidemic arrives Our Forgotten Epidemic is a six-part series about Aotearoa New Zealand's response to HIV and...
Published: July 2022

In: Shift hui (2015)

Connor talks to Shift hui participants. The hui ran from the 16 - 19 April 2015 at Tapu Te Ranga Marae in Island...
Published: April 2015

In: People

Peri Te Wao
Peri talks about growing up and transitioning from female to male...
Published: April 2010

In: LGBTTQIAP+ Political Forum

Political Forum - Part 1
Audio from the LGBTTQIAP+ Political Forum held at Eva Beva, Wellington on 26 July 2020. The event has been split into two parts...
Published: July 2020

In: LGBTTQIAP+ Political Forum

Political Forum - Part 2
Audio from the LGBTTQIAP+ Political Forum held at Eva Beva, Wellington on 26 July 2020. The event has been split into two parts...
Published: July 2020

In: Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation

Poutokomanawa opening night
Audio from the opening night of Poutokomanawa: The Carmen Rupe Generation. The exhibition runs from 20 September - 15 December 2019 at the...
Published: September 2019

In: Events

Queer Arts Festival hub
Jess Ducey, co-founder of the Queer Arts Festival talks about the inaugural festival which ran in Wellington from 30 May to 5 June 2022...
Published: June 2022

In: Events

Queer Practice: a panel on writing
A panel discussion celebrating the writing practice of four queer writers. Chaired by comic artist, author and archivist Sam Orchard, authors Mia Farlane, Rose...
Published: September 2023

In: Arts and Media

Rachel Hoskin
Rachel Hoskin talks about Butch: A Photographic Exploration, a social project of reaction to Butch women. The exhibition ran from 18 May -...
Published: July 2017

In: Groups and Organisations

Rainbow taonga at Te Papa
History curators Stephanie Gibson and Lynette Townsend showcase some of the many rainbow taonga held in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa...
Published: August 2016

In: Events

Rally for feminism and trans rights
Audio from the rally held on Wednesday 3 May 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by the Pōneke Anti-Fascist Coalition...
Published: May 2023

In: Events

Rally for Trans acceptance and reproductive rights
Audio from the rally held on Sunday 26 March 2023 in Civic Square, Wellington. Originally the rally was to oppose a planned rally...
Published: March 2023

In: Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill

Rally for Trans Rights (15 July 2021)
Audio from the rally for trans rights, held outside the Michael Fowler Centre in Wellington on 15 July 2021. The rally was in response...
Published: July 2021

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Ramon Vorkauf
Ramon Vorkauf from Australia talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Rani Ravudi
Rani Ravudi from Fiji talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: HLR30 Hands On

Reflecting on HLR30 Hands On
Creek reflects on HLR30 Hands On - a massage event for 'activists, survivors and veterans' of homosexual law reform in Aotearoa New Zealand. We...
Published: May 2016

In: Events

Remember Stonewall: Rally For Trans Healthcare
Audio from the rally held on Saturday 1 July 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance. Special thanks...
Published: July 2023

In: Georgina Beyer

Remembering Georgina Beyer
The 2023 Wellington Pride Festival was made more emotional with the passing of community icon Georgina Beyer. The first public mention of Georgina's...
Published: March 2023

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Remembering Neil Costelloe
Jayne (sitting by an open fire) remembers her brother Neil Costelloe. Neil was very active in the fight for homosexual law reform in the...
Published: April 2016

In: Proud 2016

Renato Sabbadini
Audio from the opening address of ILGA Executive Director Renato Sabbadini at the 2nd ILGA Oceania Rainbow Human Rights and Health Conference, held in...
Published: March 2016

In: Events

Resist Transphobia rally
Audio from the rally held on Thursday 8 June 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance to counter...
Published: June 2023

In: People

Rex Halliday
Rex talks about growing up in New Plymouth, the Gay Liberation movement, early HIV AIDS prevention programmes and establishing the Hero party and festival...
Published: April 2013

In: Participants - AsiaPacific Outgames

Ricardo de Menezes
Ricardo de Menezes from Canada talks about attending the human rights conference...
Published: March 2011

In: People

Robin Duff
Robin Duff talks about many of the activist groups he was involved with in the 1970s, being the first openly gay man in New...
Published: April 2013

In: Arts and Media

Following the Wellington premiere of the web series/film Rūrangi on 2 August 2020, Elz Carrad (lead actor), Max Currie (co-producer and series director) and...
Published: August 2020

In: People

Scott Johnston
Scott talks about coming out in the 1980s and being one of the creators of the Hero parade - which at its peak in...
Published: May 2013

In: Beyond Rainbows

Sebastian talks about trans-masculinity...
Published: October 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality

Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: March 2013

In: Parliamentary proceedings

Second reading of the Bill
Audio from the second reading of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Bill on 11 August 2021. The second reading was passed unanimously...
Published: August 2021

In: Events

Service for Virginia Burns
Audio from the service to commemorate and celebrate the life of Virginia Burns (a.k.a Virginia Parker-Bowles). The service was held at Old St...
Published: June 2017

In: Ilott Theatre sessions

Session 1
Audio from the Yogyakarta Principles Part 1 session...
Published: March 2011

In: Beyond conference

Session 1
Audio from the session: Transfemininities and transmisogyny. A facilitated discussion on the experiences of, and the unique ways sexism and transphobia affects those who...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 11
Audio from the session: Fighting homophobia, transphobia and bigotry in our communities. Social transformation means transformation of our own communities; our workplaces, schools, homes...
Published: October 2013

In: Ilott Theatre sessions

Session 2
Audio from the Yogyakarta Principles Part 2 session...
Published: March 2011

In: Beyond conference

Session 4
Audio from the session: Health and gender diversity...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 5
Audio from the session: Invisible sexualities within queer communities. New Zealand is getting used to gay and lesbian identities as alternatives to straight, but...
Published: October 2013

In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013

Session 5
Audio from the session: Class panel - social stigma, mental health and institutionalisation. Participants include Hana Plant, Nic and Ruth Amato...
Published: June 2013

In: C.L.I.T Fest Wellington 2013

Session 6
Audio from the session: Desire as social currency and how desire is constructed around stigmatised and non-normative bodies. Participants include Dee Dewitt and Wai...
Published: June 2013

In: Q12 Manawatu

Seth talks about being gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Shelley Te Waiariki Howard
Shelley talks about being in the military during homosexual law reform, the need to repress and then express her femininity, and the power of...
Published: October 2015

In: Arts and Media

Sian Torrington
Sian Torrington, curator of the Topp Twins exhibition, talks about the process of developing the exhibition at Te Manawa Museum in Palmerston North. The...
Published: July 2017

In: Rainbow Studies Now 2023

Sidney Wong
Sidney Wong presents at the Rainbow Studies Now symposium, held on 23 November 2023 at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington...
Published: November 2023

In: Snapshot 2000

Simon talks about coming out and first sexual experience...
Published: January 2000

In: Proud 2016

Speaking Out Proud
Audio from the plenary session: Speaking Out Proud. The New Zealand Human Rights Commission held a moderated 'open hearing' where prepared questions were delivered...
Published: March 2016

In: Religion and Spirituality

St Peters church service (2017)
St Peter's church service 2017 Audio from the special 50th anniversary church service marking Reverend Godfrey Wilson's landmark sermon on homosexuality (possibly the first...
Published: June 2017

In: Q12 Manawatu

Steve talks about being young and gay in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Q12 Wellington

Tabby talks about being young and pansexual in 2012...
Published: September 2012

In: Participants - Queer History in the Making

Tabby Besley
An interview with Tabby Besley from InsideOUT, recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making. Tabby received a Queen's Young Leader award...
Published: September 2015

In: Homosexual Law Reform

Ted Greensmith-West
In the 30th anniversary year of homosexual law reform, Ted considers three areas that still require attention: legislative change, social acceptance and international diplomacy...
Published: June 2016

In: Same Same But Different (2016)

Teenage Years
Audio from the session: Teenage Years. To set the scene, Chrys Jones and her friend Aleisha Parkinson give a performance of I Am Sure...
Published: February 2016

In: Groups and Organisations

The Rainbow List Project
Kerryn Pollock, senior advisor at Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, the country's national historic heritage agency, talks about the Rainbow List Project. The...
Published: September 2024

In: Parliamentary proceedings: Marriage Equality

Third reading of the Bill
Audio from the third reading of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill. It was introduced into Parliament by Labour MP Louisa Wall...
Published: April 2013

In: Q12 Waikato

Thomas talks about being young and bisexual in 2012...
Published: July 2012

In: Rainbow Politicians

Tim Barnett
Tim Barnett talks about growing up in the United Kingdom; becoming Britain's "first professional homosexual"; moving to New Zealand and becoming a Member of...
Published: November 2013

In: Events

Tīwhanawhana celebrates Matariki
Tīwhanawhana Celebrates Matariki Audio from the Tiwhanawhana Celebrates Matariki event held at the National Library of New Zealand in Wellington on 29 July 2017...
Published: July 2017

In: Tiwhanawhana

Tiwhanawhana interviews
Interviews with members of Tiwhanawhana at the event to celebrate Tiwhanawhana's 20th anniversary on 15 March 2021 at Thistle Hall, Wellington. 00:01 - Kevin...
Published: March 2021

In: Events

Trans Awareness Week at St Peters
Audio from the decorating of St Peter's church on Willis Street, Wellington. The church was decorated to honour and celebrate Transgender Awareness Week...
Published: November 2023

In: Events

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018 Audio from the Transgender Day of Remembrance service held at St. Andrew's on the Terrace, Wellington on 18 November...
Published: November 2018

In: Queer History 101

Ursula Bethell
Alison talks about the New Zealand poet Ursula Bethell...
Published: January 2011

In: Keynote speakers - AsiaPacific Outgames

Vaitoa Toelupe
Vaitoa Toelupe delivers a keynote presentation. Vaitoa is introduced by David Huebner, the United States Ambassador to New Zealand. The presentation happened during the...
Published: March 2011

In: Marriage Equality

Vaughans getting married
Vaughan shares his thoughts on his upcoming marriage to Shane...
Published: March 2013

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2020

Wellington International Pride Parade 2020
Audio from the Wellington International Pride Parade held on 7 March 2020. At the end of the parade (on the waterfront by Circa theatre)...
Published: March 2020

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2016

William Spurlin
Audio from Prof. William Spurlin's talk: What we know from the historical record - the persecution of lesbians and gay men under the Third...
Published: March 2016