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Resist Transphobia rally

Audio from the rally held on Thursday 8 June 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance to counter a rally being held at the same time by Speak Up For Women. Special thanks to the organisers and participants for allowing the rally to be recorded and shared.

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  • 0:00:01 - Tristan-Cordelia, Queer Endurance/Defiance
  • 0:04:25 - Lysh
  • 0:08:58 - Gina Dao-Mclay
  • 0:09:52 - Welcome and safety briefing
  • 0:15:00 - Speeches begin
  • 0:15:30 - Tristan-Cordelia
  • 0:21:33 - Anne
  • 0:26:42 - Speaker
  • 0:31:14 - Will Hansen
  • 0:35:07 - Renee Paul
  • 0:36:16 - Chanel Hati
  • 0:40:11 - Tristan-Cordelia
  • 0:43:45 - Speakers from the crowd
  • 0:44:35 - Speaker (parent)
  • 0:46:30 - Speaker
  • 0:48:40 - Speaker
  • 0:51:40 - Speaker
  • 0:54:30 - Speaker
  • 0:56:35 - Speaker
  • 0:57:27 - Speaker
  • 0:58:40 - MP Elizabeth Kerekere
  • 1:01:08 - Speaker
  • 1:02:30 - Waiata and "Boring Transphobes..."
  • 1:06:30 - Chants
  • 1:07:40 - Theo Cook and Noah Darney
  • 1:09:10 - Shaani and Biggs
  • 1:11:40 - Wren Atlas
  • 1:14:10 - Zia
  • 1:15:45 - Juliet
  • 1:19:10 - Closing, Tiaki Sharp


An abstract summary of "Resist Transphobia rally" recording:

On June 8, 2023, a rally organized by Queer Endurance/Defiance titled "Resist Transphobia rally" took place in Parliament Grounds, Wellington, New Zealand. The event was a counter-protest against another rally held simultaneously by Speak Up For Women NZ. Participants included individuals like Chanel Hati, Elizabeth Kerekere, Gina Dao-McLay, and more, along with marshal Will Hansen conducting interviews.

This rally was the third in a series of counters to anti-trans gatherings and showcased a united front from the queer and transgender communities. It aimed to negate the spread of hate speech and to reaffirm the community's right to exist freely without prejudice or denial of existence. During the event, attendants provided vigorous support against those who attempted to divide cisgender and transgender individuals within the queer community. Key strategies employed were peaceful protest, solidarity, legal action proposals for transgender rights, and maintaining visibility in the face of opposition.

Throughout the recording, there's a strong sense of community and defense of the rights of transgender individuals, with a focus on ensuring that the progressive work by trans activists and the sacrifices they've made historically are not undermined or forgotten. The participants stress the importance of continuous efforts to safeguard the progress and rights attained over the years. They highlight key issues like transgender healthcare, inclusion policies, and anti-colonial, anti-racist, and anti-ableist activism. Speakers recount the legacy of transgender activists and their pivotal role in the LGBTQIA+ rights movement, emphasizing that transphobia is not a standalone issue but intertwined with broader patterns of discrimination and societal biases.

The rally also places emphasis on the power of collective action and proactive approaches, underscoring the importance of supporting one another in the face of adversity, advocacy for better transgender healthcare, and recognition of a shared history of resistance and progress.

The audio includes moments of solidarity expressed through speeches, chanting, and singing, with participants sharing their individual feelings of empowerment and the need to stand up for themselves and others in the face of transphobia—further illustrated by personal anecdotes and the unity observed at the event. Advocacy for a variety of rights, including bodily autonomy, workplace rights for sex workers, and the rights of trans individuals to live openly and authentically, serves as the underpinning of the rally's purpose: to resist hate, misinformation, and those who wish to undermine the freedoms and existence of the trans community.

A critical reflection in the recording is directed at those participating in the anti-trans protest, underlining a plea for reconsideration of the misguided beliefs and an invitation to join in solidarity. However, despite the tensions, the atmosphere amongst the counter-protesters was largely affirmative and vibrant, painting a picture of a close-knit community that comes together in a display of mutual care and steadfastness against exclusionary ideologies.

This summary is created using Generative AI. Although it is based on the recording's transcription, it may contain errors or omissions. Click here to learn more about how this summary was created.

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Record date:8th June 2023
Interviewer:Will Hansen
Location:Parliament grounds, Wellington
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Archive:The master recording is archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library (OHDL-004718).