Search: roman skorek (phrase)
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- 23rd January
...: Mon 23 Jan 2012 ROMAN SKOREK is stabbed to death in Kuirau Park, Rot... - 21st February
...ed with the murder of gay man ROMAN SKOREK in a Rotorua park...Links: GayNZ.comJD ... - 8th March
... accused of murdering gay man ROMAN SKOREK in Rotorua’s Kuirau Park have been re... - 29th March
...tted murdering gay Polish man ROMAN SKOREK in Rotorua’s Kuirau Park in January..... - 15th May
...iller's crotchGay Polish man ROMAN SKOREK was beaten, stabbed and had his throat ... - 4th October
...killing of gay Polish tourist ROMAN SKOREK, bringing the total number of people be... - 7th December
...ars for the murder of gay man ROMAN SKOREK, who angered a group of men when he too...
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