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- 10th March Bena Jackson, Bill Logan, CHANEL HATI, Courtney Johnston, Jane Bruning, Jerem... - 15th March
...tle Hall, WellingtonFeatures: CHANEL HATI, Daejah Biddle, De'Anne Jackson, Eliza... - 18th March
...res: Annie Jones, Arrun Soma, CHANEL HATI, Chelsea Adams, Christine Seymour, De'... - 30th March
...h 2019Features: Callan James, CHANEL HATI, Courtney L'Amour, Drew Hadwen, Roxy C... - 2nd May
...llington during 1993Features: CHANEL HATI, Grant Robertson, Kjel Griffiths, Richa... - 21st May
...ngton on 21 May 2017Features: CHANEL HATI, Grant Robertson, Jason Myers, Kay Jone... - 1st June
...13.Features: Catherine Healy, CHANEL HATI, Kate ScarletLinks: PrideNZ.comSession ... - 8th June
... grounds, WellingtonFeatures: CHANEL HATI, Elizabeth Kerekere, Gina Dao-McLay, No... - 2nd July
...ergreen Coffee HouseFeatures: CHANEL HATI, Des Cooper, Drew Hadwen, Fiona Lam She... - 20th September Rupe Generation.Features: CHANEL HATI, Georgie Keyse, Kay'la Riarn, Malcolm ... - 1st October
...en RupeFeatures: Andy Foster, CHANEL HATI, Glenda Hughes, Grant Robertson, Jacqui... - 18th October
...tobbs, Cameron Kapua-Morrell, CHANEL HATI, Elizabeth Kerekere, Jaye Barclay, Kate... - 19th October
...the 1960s and 1970s.Features: CHANEL HATI, Georgina Beyer, Kay'la Riarn, Malcolm...