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Tag: gender dysphoria

Order by Date

In: Groups and Organisations

Agender New Zealand
Cherise Witehira, president of Agender New Zealand, talks about how the organisation supports transgender people and their families. Cherise also talks about transitioning and...
Published: May 2012

In: Beyond Rainbows

Alex talks about identifying as asexual female-to-male trans* guy...
Published: March 2015

In: South: Canterbury

Anna talks about identifying as a binary identified transsexual...
Published: May 2014

In: Carmen Rupe

Dana de Milo on Carmen Rupe
Dana talks about her friendship with Carmen, working at The Balcony and sex work in the 1970s. Dana has also done another interview about...
Published: December 2012

In: Proud 2016

Dont Leave Out the I
Audio from the workshop Don't Leave Out the I: Intersex issues in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific. This workshop is historic as it...
Published: March 2016

In: Georgina Beyer

Georgina Beyer - places and personalities
Georgina remembers some of the clubs, venues and personalities in Wellington from the mid-1970s and her time in Auckland in the 1980s. Georgina has...
Published: January 2013

In: Participants - Queer History in the Making

Jevon Wright
An interview with Jevon Wright from Naming New Zealand and Tranzform, recorded during the community event Queer History in the Making...
Published: September 2015

In: People

Kira talks about transitioning from male to female at seventeen. This podcast was funded by a generous donation from Roger Smith...
Published: May 2010

In: Beyond Rainbows

Kiran and flatmates
Kiran and flatmates talk about their safe house for queer trans* disabled youth and "yell or die" activism...
Published: July 2015

In: Beyond Rainbows

Lily talks about trans* issues and identity...
Published: November 2013

In: Events

Queer Practice: a panel on writing
A panel discussion celebrating the writing practice of four queer writers. Chaired by comic artist, author and archivist Sam Orchard, authors Mia Farlane, Rose...
Published: September 2023

In: Events

Rally for Trans acceptance and reproductive rights
Audio from the rally held on Sunday 26 March 2023 in Civic Square, Wellington. Originally the rally was to oppose a planned rally...
Published: March 2023

In: Events

Remember Stonewall: Rally For Trans Healthcare
Audio from the rally held on Saturday 1 July 2023 in Parliament grounds, Wellington. The rally was organised by Queer Endurance/Defiance. Special thanks...
Published: July 2023

In: Beyond conference

Session 12
Audio from the session: Gender and Prisons. Prisons have long been used as a way to confine, control and monitor populations. Despite clear evidence...
Published: October 2013

In: Beyond conference

Session 8
Audio from the session: Beyond parenting. While the passing of marriage rights for same-sex couples addressed some issues with our adoption laws, these laws...
Published: October 2013

In: March for Trans Rights (2023)

Speeches before the March for Trans Rights - Pōneke
Speeches on the grounds of Parliament before the March for Trans Rights on 11 February 2023. A similar march happened in Auckland on the...
Published: February 2023

In: Rainbow Studies Now 2023

Swakshadip Sarkar
Swakshadip Sarkar presents at the Rainbow Studies Now symposium, held on 23 November 2023 at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington...
Published: November 2023

In: Wellington Pride Festival 2017

Wellington Pride Parade 2017
Audio from the Wellington Pride Parade 2017. This was the first time in over two decades that a pride parade has marched through the...
Published: March 2017

In: People

Will Hansen
Will Hansen talks about what drives his passion for LGBTI rainbow history...
Published: September 2018

In: Proud 2016

Youth and Womens hui report backs
Report backs from the youth pre-conference hui and the women's pre-conference hui, followed by Ros Noonan - patron of Intersex Trust of Aotearoa New...
Published: March 2016