In: Wellington Pride Festival 2023
And/Or - Celebrating Queer Ethnic Identities
Audio from the panel discussion held during Out in the City at the Michael Fowler Centre on 18 March 2023. Embodying Wellington Pride Festival's...
Published: March 2023
In: Shift hui (2018)
Coming out, negotiating identities and solidarity
The panel is facilitated by Caity Briggs, with panelists Aliyah Winter, Jaye Barclay, Jarrod Klooster, Brittany Hobcraft, Neo Kenny and Sloan. A special thank...
Published: April 2018
In: People
Drew Hadwen
Drew Hadwen talks about the development of the Devotion dance parties/festivals, and the Beacons of Hope services in Wellington in the 1990s...
Published: August 2018
In: Issues
Homosexual Law Reform petition (1968)
On 8 November 1968 Parliament heard the report back from the Petitions Committee relating to the recent Homosexual Law Reform petition. This recording...
Published: November 1968
In: Butch on Butch
Mo talks about growing up in Kaitaia, being a Diversity Liaison Officer with the New Zealand Police and marching for the first time in...
Published: April 2015
In: Shift hui (2015)
Connor talks to Shift hui participants. The hui ran from the 16 - 19 April 2015 at Tapu Te Ranga Marae in Island...
Published: April 2015
In: Shift hui (2017)
Rainbows in a Monochrome World
Navigating the world as someone from rainbow communities brings with it many challenges, taking different forms for different people. Dani, Lee, Lilly, Brandon, Ethan...
Published: April 2017
In: KAHA National Queer Youth Hui 2009
Recently out participant
Wai Ho talks to a hui participant who has recently come out...
Published: January 2009
In: Events
Schools Out
Audio from a School's Out broadcast on Wellington Access Radio in 2007. Mike, Craig and Tyler talk about growing up, HIV AIDS and...
Published: December 2007
In: Shift hui (2018)
Self care tactics for mental health
A group chat from members of our communities, bringing a frank and honest discussion of experiences of mental health, and tactics for keeping yourself...
Published: April 2018
In: Butch on Butch
Stevei talks about identifying as wāhine toa, representing New Zealand in softball and creating art...
Published: February 2015
In: Events
Trans ways of making
Audio from the panel discussion Trans ways of making. Artists Jack Trolove (Pākehā), Tāwhanga Nopera (Te Arawa, Tainui, Ngāpuhi) and Louie Zalk-Neale (Ngāi Te...
Published: October 2022