The title of this recording is "Adam Reynolds and Chaz Harris - Out in the Park (2018)". It was recorded in Waitangi Park, Te Aro, Wellington on the 24th February 2018. This is an interview with Adam Reynolds and Chaz Harris. The interviewer is Gareth Watkins. Their names are spelt correctly, but may appear incorrectly spelt later in the document. The duration of the recording is 4 minutes. A list of correctly spelt content keywords and tags can be found at the end of this document. A brief description of the recording is: In this podcast Adam Reynolds and Chaz Harris, co-authors of Promised Land, talk about the children's fairy tale book and the upcoming Maiden Voyage. The content in the recording covers the 2010s decade. The audio recording begins: So we're the coauthors of Promised Land, which is in a gay fairy tale story book for Children. It's about a prince and a farm boy who meet and fall in love. When was this published? Um, we published it, Um, in. So it's Valentine's Day 26 2017. Um, it's been out for about a year now and then had lots of press, you know, like up with the team Bogue and Ian McKellen is a fan. So got an amazing quote from him. Um and yeah, it was just been great. And then we recently did another Kickstarter to fund our second book. So is it the kind of reaction that you expected when you were publishing? Yeah, it was It was the reaction that we hoped we would get because we wrote the book we wrote the sort of book that we wish we had had when we were growing up and that we hope, will help a lot of Children of tomorrow and today and you know, the future. So we have had a fantastic response. We've had so many people tell us, come and see us and say how much they've loved the book. how much their kids have loved the book. Some people have said they've had to read, read the book to their kids every night for two whole weeks. So it's been Yeah, a great response. And so tell me about the second book that you're working on. It's maiden voyage. So it's a female driven pirate adventure. Um, which is coming out in June. We've got a co author, Jamie Poo, Um, who identifies as and Christine Luton and be Moore Are co illustrators, um, who work on both books. Yeah. So what got you inspired to actually create a book? Um, I think Well, because we're we we're writers and filmmakers. We, you know, we'd love to see this story kind of get into other media eventually. Um, but we knew that a Children's book version was something that was achievable, and we could go and Kickstarter and that. So, um yeah, we collaborated on the story and then figured, Yeah, we'll we'll fund that. What's the most surprising reaction you've had to the book? Uh, it's sort of not surprising, but it was great in terms of, um, how many women contacted us. And even in the reviews that we've read online of it. They're, like, very empowering for women. And, um, it was our goal was to avoid the damsels in distress. Fairy tale trope. So that's been really great that that that was sort of the thing that we hope people would get from it. But then it actually happened. Um, and then, yeah, I don't know if there's other other surprises. Single moms like single. There's two single moms in our story which we never really thought about. But we heard from three single moms who were like, I've never seen single moms represented in the Children's book. And I was like, Oh, OK, yeah. Um, and then definitely we knew that, um, representing people of colour and, you know, kind of a bit more intersectional as well. That's made a big difference. And today the reaction at out in the park. How's that been for you guys really great so far? Yeah. People who have You've already got the book who are coming up and like, Oh, I just came to see See you guys and someone who had a t-shirt, um, of the book on wearing it around out in the park, which is awesome. And we I think our favourite one so far has been this little girl who came up with her mum and she sat and she read every page and then turned, turned up to her mom and nodded with a smile. And yeah, I want the book. OK, yeah, that's good. Let's go on a personal note. What does it mean for you guys to be, um, out here today at out in the park? Um, it's great just being, you know, being with our community. We went up to Auckland recently and got rained out. So it's nice that it's sunny Wellington, like, played nice with the weather as well, so yeah, No, I love meeting all the people here and just being a part of this atmosphere and yeah, just It's so cool, so much fun. Everyone here it's loving themselves and being proud, and that's just the best that anyone can hope for. So yeah. The audio recording ends. A list of keywords/tags describing the recording follow. These tags contain the correct spellings of names and places which may have been incorrectly spelt earlier in the document. The tags are seperated by a semi-colon: 2010s; Adam Reynolds; Aotearoa New Zealand; Big Gay Out (Auckland); Bo Moore; Chaz Harris; Christine Luiten; Ian McKellen; Jaimee Poipoi; Maiden Voyage (book); Out in the Park (Wellington); Promised Land (book); Teen Vogue (magazine); Waitangi Park; Wellington; buzzfeed. com; children; drawing; fairy tale; film; gay; illustrator; kickstarter. com; parents; pirate; prince; publishing; single mothers; takatāpui; upworthy. com; women; writing. The original recording can be heard at this website The master recording is also archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand. For more details visit their website Please note that this document may contain errors or omissions - you should always refer back to the original recording to confirm content.