The title of this recording is "Richard Galloway - Older Gay Men". It is described as: Richard Galloway talks about what its like to be an older gay man in 2012. It was recorded in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand on the 1st October 2012. Richard Galloway is being interviewed by John Kelly. Their names are spelt correctly but may appear incorrectly spelt later in the document. The duration of the recording is 14 minutes. A list of correctly spelt content keywords and tags can be found at the end of this document. A brief description of the recording is: In this podcast Richard talks about what it's like to be an older gay man in 2012. The content in the recording covers the 1950s decade. A brief summary of the recording is: In a 2012 interview, Richard Galloway, a New Zealander, shared their insights on life as an older gay individual. They recounted their personal experiences, reflecting on changes in societal attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community over the years. At 61, Galloway had recently retired and expressed a disinterest in traveling due to cumbersome airport procedures, despite an extensive history of traveling and living abroad, including a year in Thailand and five years working in air traffic control in the United Arab Emirates. Throughout the discussion, Galloway touched on the challenges and peculiarities of being gay in countries where such orientations are not openly accepted. Remarkably, however, they stated that they had never encountered significant issues because of their sexuality, neither at home in New Zealand nor abroad. Regarding family, Galloway was content with not having married or having children, seemingly unbothered by their family line ending with them. Their older sibling had children, augmenting a sense of family continuity. Additionally, Galloway mentioned past relationships and remained in contact with those former partners. The conversation delved into Galloway's professional life, including the winding down of their recent art business, which endured for ten years before succumbing to financial strain. They also spoke about their involvement with OUTLine NZ, a counseling and community service for the LGBTQ+ population, from which they had just stepped down after 15 years. Galloway held a nuanced view on the evolution of gay rights in New Zealand, noting that the legalization of homosexuality in 1986 had little direct impact on them since they never significantly struggled with their identity. When discussing the future, Galloway mentioned involvement in a survey gauging interest in a gay men's elder community, a potential project contemplating various models such as retrofitting existing infrastructure to create supportive environments for aging gay men. The full transcription of the recording begins: Now you're only 61. Yes. Did you retire this week? Like I got sick of work. Really? OK, are you gonna stay retired? Uh, something will turn up it. It usually does. Uh I don't know what, but, uh, something will turn up. So you you actually you're not looking for work at the moment. No, no. Taking a taking a break? Yes. Are you planning to travel? Possibly. I've I've done a lot of travel in my life, and and I now find it, um, punishment. Really? Airports are dreadful, and I don't like being treated like a sheep and queuing to chicken, queuing for customs, queuing for immigration, queuing to go through security, queuing to get on the aeroplane. So I'm off travel. You've, um how long you been running your own business? I've had quite a few businesses. The art hire business I've had for 10 years, but I've sort of wound it down. It didn't really survive the financial crisis. So have you always lived in New Zealand? I was born in new market, so I haven't come far because I still live in new market. But I have lived overseas in Thailand for a year and I worked in the United Arab Emirates for five years and tell me what you were doing there. Um, I was doing nothing, really? In Thailand and us doing air traffic control in the Emirates. For how long? How long were you doing the air traffic control? About 25 years altogether. When you're over there, um, the gay activities is Condoned in those countries. No, it wasn't. Um, but there are a lot of men who have sex with men, mainly because for the locals, they don't have access to women. Uh, and for other expatriates, particularly the Indian and Pakistani, They're there as, um, unaccompanied men and their families are usually back in the country they come from. Did you ever have any trouble with, uh, well, either here or overseas stemming from being gay? No. Uh, when I first started with this company in the Middle East, I went through Bahrain and had two overnight there, and I was asked or met by some of the other staff of the company, and they said, Oh, you know, you've got to watch this guy at the airport. You're going to you know, he's one of those and And I said, Oh, that's good. That'll give us something in common. So that probably got the word around the company. But nothing was ever said And never any problems. Have you been married? Never. No Children. And I've got a question here about How do you feel about your line stopping with you? In that case? No, it doesn't worry me at all. No problem. Do you have brothers and sisters? I've got an older brother. Um, he is two years older and he's married with three Children. Have you ever had any steady relationships? Yes. Um, my first relationship was a long time ago now, uh, for four years and then another one after that for two years. But since then, they both went off and married women, had Children and got divorced. But I still hear from him, you know, um, over 30 years later. Oh, it's great, isn't it? So what? What effect did the legalisation of homosexuality have on your life in 1986? Not a lot. Uh, I never had great problems being gay. There wasn't, uh, at Auckland Airport when I was working there as an air traffic controller. I in the senior air traffic control staff. There was a bit of a Catholic Mafia, and one of them tried to bring the homosexual law reform petition in to have it signed. And so I just picked it up and threw it in the rubbish tin. And again, nothing was ever said. How do you describe your gay self happy? Do you have a particular word for yourself? No I. I usually gay, but, uh, I'm not fussy. You don't mind being described as queer? Uh, I don't like the word queer, because to me, it does negative connotations from years ago. If it's mainly I think with younger people, and if they want to use it, that's fine. But to me, it doesn't really describe myself, but I don't have no objection If people call me queer. And what activities do you currently involve yourself with in the gay world? Uh, I play every week in the gay badminton club on Saturday for a couple of hours, and as you said, I've just resigned. Um, retired from outline the New Zealand Gay Lesbian transgender telephone counselling and community service. Uh, and I was involved with them for sort of 10 years as a volunteer and another 54 or five years as an office administrator. And what what made you leave there? I just thought it was time for a change. Really? And been there too long. OK, you were involved in a a little while this gay men's elder community questionnaire. Hm? Can you tell me something about that? A friend of mine, Mike Keegan, and I were discussing it once, and he is at a stage in his life where he's needs to look at going to some sort of care. And so we decided we'd test the the market, so to speak. Um, there was anecdotal evidence of need, And, uh, so we just thought we were better prove it first before we do anything else with it. And it showed quite conclusively that this definite market for a gay men's elder community um, what shape that eventually takes, uh is open and there are quite a few options. And if there's enough interest, is there anyone seriously contemplating building such a place or building may not be an option. Um, whether it might be taking over a wing in an existing retirement home or one of the thoughts is to target a central apartment building, and people just buy into that building. That would also open up the option for people to rent, which isn't available in present retirement circumstances. Uh, and then once you've got a critical mass, you can each put in and rent another apartment and have a carer in there. And apartment buildings generally have gyms and swimming pools and close to central facilities. So, as I say, there are quite a few options. Would that be open to women as well. Gay women? Well, the there is the Lesbian Elders Village Trust, which is, um, working towards the same end. But they're focused on buying something. Um, there seems to be a a difference of opinion as to whether they want to be in the city or, uh, some of them want to be out in the country raising organic chickens and things. You have any thoughts on how gay life has changed for you in your lifetime? I think it's definitely more accepted, and people know about it now, and people are willing to talk about it. And because the majority of gay people are out, families are are more aware of gay, lesbian, transgender people in their own family. Um, there may have always been rumours of, you know, Uncle Joe, or aren't or whoever, but, you know, now those people are out and generally accepted in the family, and it's made people a lot more open, I think. So. What plans have you got for yourself As you get older and not a lot. Really. Um, generally move to something smaller and on one level, as, um, mobility decreases. Um, but I haven't made any firm plans. It matter. Well, yes, I have a good one. As in water tight as in as water. Tight as I think I can. Um, and I've got power of attorney, um, as well. I've got a close group of gay friends. There's eight of us that go out for dinner once a month, last Wednesday of the month, and we take turns at choosing the restaurant. And we've been doing this now for this is our 26th year. It's a long time. It's a long time. Um, so those people are family to me, and in fact, I'm the executor of, um, Wills for two of them and hold power of attorney and some and and vice versa. And so we have a support sort of network. It sounds like you'd all look after each other if necessary as you get older. How it will work. Probably. How did you meet? Uh, it was mutual friends that had been going out for dinner on a sort of regular basis. And, um, one night we decided, let's do this seriously. And, um, form a group. The group has expanded as people have had partners arrive, and some have had partners leave, um, as as happens. And but the only way you can get into the group is as a partner now. Well, we've got eight, and and that's as many as you can cope with. It's a comfortable number around the table. Yes, yes, exactly. Any more than that. And, um, it does make conversation difficult. Not that ever seems to be a problem. Um, and some of those people I only see it once a month at the dinner group. Uh, others I'm in daily contact with, um some I see every week, and we go out for coffee or chat on the phone and gossip and, well, how many of the original group are still in it. Oh! Oh, yes, yes. Uh, so far, um, all pretty healthy, Really. And most of us, the youngest is 55 and the oldest is coming up 70. Well, let's hope you will stay healthy for a long time yet. Well, agreed. How do you want to be remembered with a smile? I think with a smile. OK, any any advice for young, gay gay people these days? I think it's very important to accept your yourself as who you are and and not be afraid to change or of be afraid of change. Um, because we all change as time goes on and and to make the most of being young. The full transcription of the recording ends. A list of keywords/tags describing the recording follow. These tags contain the correct spellings of names and places which may have been incorrectly spelt earlier in the document. The tags are seperated by a semi-colon: 1950s ; Aotearoa New Zealand ; Auckland ; Coming Up ; Homosexual Law Reform ; Joe ; Lesbian Elders Village ; Middle East ; OUTLine NZ ; Older Gay Men ; People ; Richard Galloway ; Thailand ; United Arab Emirates ; access ; activities ; advice ; airport ; building ; change ; children ; coffee ; community ; conversation ; customs ; difference ; elder care ; elder issues ; elders ; family ; film ; friends ; gay ; homosexual ; homosexual law reform ; homosexual law reform petition ; immigration ; labels ; law ; legacy ; lesbian ; mobility ; older age ; other ; petition ; power ; prison ; punishment ; queer ; relationships ; rent ; rest homes ; retirement ; running ; security ; sex ; smile ; social ; sport ; support ; swimming ; time ; transgender ; travel ; trust ; volunteer ; water ; wills ; women ; work. The original recording can be heard at this website The master recording is also archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand. For more details visit their website Please note that this document may contain errors or omissions - you should always refer back to the original recording to confirm content.