The title of this recording is "International AIDS Candlelight Memorial (2019)". It was recorded in Tararua Tramping Club, 4 Moncrieff Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington on the 19th May 2019. This is a recording of an event and features the voices of Abby Leota, Alex Anderson, Bill Logan, Fer Dossaints, James Rice-Davies, Kevin Haunui, Lee Eklund, Matt Sharpe, The Glamaphones, Trish McBride and Tīwhanawhana. Their names are spelt correctly, but may appear incorrectly spelt later in the document. The duration of the recording is 1 hour and 1 minute, but this may not reflect the actual length of the event. A list of correctly spelt content keywords and tags can be found at the end of this document. The content in the recording covers the 2010s decade. The audio recording begins: No. Yeah, You! Oh, bye. Yeah, one time, everybody. The International AIDS can Candlelight Memorial is much more than just a memorial. The international AIDS Candlelight memorial serves as a community mobilisation campaign and to raise social consciousness about HIV and AIDS. The memorial serves as an important intervention for global solidarity, breaking down barriers of stigma and discrimination and giving hope to new generations. Leadership by people living with HIV and affected by HIV is important part of the international AIDS Candlelight memorial as long as the education and social interaction. Um so each year, the New Zealand uh, political parties share their vision and support for those living with HIV and their supporters. So I'd like to invite Bill, uh, to read the letter from the Governor General Government House, New Zealand 36 years ago, the first candle lit march to bring AIDS out of the dark and into the light of public awareness took place in San Francisco. In the years since, the tradition of candlelight vigils and marches for AIDS awareness has served both as a memorial and as a platform for activism all around the world. It is important to take a moment to think of those who are no longer with us and those for whom life with HIV AIDS is a daily reality. It is equally important to continue to push for better treatments and an end to stigmatisation for all people living with HIV A. I DS treatment and knowledge of HIV AIDS has improved greatly in New Zealand since 1983. In other parts of the world, the situation is vastly different, with treatment not so easily available and people with HIV aids forced into the shadows. The theme for this year's events intensifying the Fight for health and rights is a reminder that we all still need to work to keep these issues in the public eye. Lives depend on it. I send my best wishes to everyone attending this year's memorial. It signed Dame Patsy Reddy, Governor General of New Zealand. Thanks, Bill. Um, I'd like to now invite, uh, cami to read a letter from our Prime Minister. This is a message from the Labour leader Jacinda Ardern for the 2019 International AIDS Candlelit Memorial Service. I'd like to send my support in a to everyone gathered for this year's international AIDS Candlelight memorial. Too many have lost loved ones and friends to AIDS. And today we remember all of those who are no longer with us. Last year we celebrated a significant drop in the number of New Zealanders diagnosed with HIV. This is good news, but we know there is still more to do. We are committed to continuing this work alongside those dedicated organisations that day in and day out undertake important work on HIV and AIDS whether you're providing health care or taking part in advocacy and education. Thank you. Your efforts are saving lives, changing attitudes and making a difference. I'd also like to acknowledge all those New Zealanders living with HIV. I hope those perspectives and experience you bring lead to changes that we need. I'm proud of the work our government has done in this space, including making sure prep is funded by I look forward to continuing this work in the year ahead. Together we can end the transmission of HIV and make sure everyone is able to receive the health care and support they need. That's coming. Thank you. Um, there are other letters from, uh, the political parties, uh, that are on display in the entrance of the hall. Um, I'd like to, uh, invite, uh, Trish to stage play. So, uh, Trish has an experience of a spiritual guide. Chaplain in mental health Con, uh, context counsellor. Uh, educator and writer Trish will speak about her experiences and involvement in the community. Over to you, my love. Thank you. I feel very humble after watching the stories and simply being asked to come and talk to you tonight. I was a volunteer at our through the most of the 19 nineties. It was a huge learning curve for me and some very precious memories of the things that happened that I attended or became involved in or learned. The first one I want to talk about is my first candlelight memorial 1991. Parliament grounds. Da scary, actually. And the speeches, Doctor Rodenberg saying there's a cure for AIDS. It's love because love takes away the fear. Tom O'Donoghue, They called him of the community, saying I am a gay man and I'm HIV positive. I've never heard anyone saying that before. Ever let alone in front of an audience of I don't know, 500 1000. A lot of people and then up the main driveway of Parliament and down the steps from behind the General Assembly Library came this astonishing spectacle. Two processions of people with flaming torches. Now they sticks this long and flames that long. It was spine tingling, and it was a real mediaeval spectacle. And these people stood in a circle on the forecourt of Parliament, and the 179 names of people who had died in New Zealand at that point were read out. And then towards the end of that part of the ceremony, the bells at Saint Paul's Cathedral told there was a choir singing grant us peace. And then there were the fireworks, the great stars of celebration and hope. So it was just an amazing experience for me, of a community. Truth speaking at the time when truth speaking had its significant hazards. Now a bit more about Tom. He was an educator. He touched people in all sorts of settings. He spoke in prisoners. He talked to the police to educate them. He went to Parliament and lobbied for the rights and legislation, and his passion was encouraging people in disclosure because living with the burden of secrecy was too hard, and I'd encourage you to have a look at him online and just see the breadth of this man's, um, experience and wisdom. Um, his funeral at Old Saint Paul's. He was six years from diagnosis in 88 through to 94 people from so many walks of life, Alexis, a Trans woman, said. He stopped me committing suicide. He taught me to look inside myself, throw away the rubbish and treasure the rest. Catherine O'Regan, who was the minister of Health at that stage, she cried because he'd made such a huge impression on her with his multiple visits to her office. So yes, look up, one of your yeah, four fathers, Another of the heroes. Um, the other person that I wanted to talk about is Paula Brett Kelly, who was a tiny little Catholic nun who was quite terrified when she offered herself as a volunteer somewhere in the late eighties. She had been a teacher, and she became the education officer and human rights officer for a centre. She, um yes, she just became a heart of that of that community. She mentored me when I was terrified and She said to me, You get in there and you love and you will be the one to gain. And so it was. So Paula was blessing couples back in the 19 eighties. I don't know that the cardinal was very chuffed, but, um, Paula was Paula and she knew truth when she saw it when she heard it when she listened to the stories and she taught me a great deal. So I just want to encourage all of you because the community I encountered at that point was so accepting, so focused on preserving and honouring Mana was so focused on courage of being together and even back then was looking at the fight for health and rights. So the other thing that I wanted to say about Paula was that in the early days, she, um and others recognised that this concerned women as well. Two things that she was part of initiating. One was a support group for the moms, the sisters, the wives, the girlfriends and the first two or three women. While I was there who were HIV positive because it hadn't been a virus that affected women until people started going Oh yes, it does. And the other thing was, um, beginning a an information process for women. And so there was a committee again that I was a tiny part of where Catherine Healey and Paula and a few other health related people put together. The first information, I think, in the country for women and AIDS. So I'd like to kind of give this to anybody here who's interested in that story. So yes, the courage, yes, the love and I just want to say, encourage you to honour the history that you've seen the history of the people here in Wellington. It's your history. And while you are busy intensifying the right for fight for health and rights, keep treasuring where you've come from. Keep treasuring the people who have been the heroes in the community here in Wellington. And so just keep that of love, of respect, of current but most of all, the love because love takes away the fear. Thank you, Trish. Ok, so tonight, uh, we have members of the health and support service sectors. Um, here to answer some questions from the community and leading this panel is Richard tankers. Um, so Richard is a marriage celebrant with a diverse, uh, with a diverse work and life experience in different cultures in health, human rights and social services in administration, event management, theatre and community development. Really? That's fabulous. Yeah, but you're still doing it, though. You you run rings around some of us young as humans, like, come young. Um, including within, but in no way limited to iwi Maori and LGBT community. Sir Richard over to you, darling of And, uh, first of all, um, thank you to the organising group for inviting me to take a part. Uh, in this, um, this evening's memorial. Um, and I feel pretty. I've only been living in Wellington for six months, so, uh, to get an invite at such, uh, after such a short tenure is, um, very flattering. So thank you very much. Um, So today's questions were compiled by members of the community, and there will be time for some audience participation at the end. Um, the first set of questions will be directed to individual members of the panel, followed by, um, a set of statements with questions to the panel as a whole. Um, and when panellists introduce themselves, I will invite them, uh, to, uh well, sorry when they speak. Um, I'll, uh First, I'll ask them to let us know if they're interested in taking individual questions over coffee later on. Um and and that way, uh, we'll increase the, uh, engagement with our with our audience. Um, but, uh, during the session, I am gonna go going to ask panellists to be pretty brief in their answers, given that we've got quite a few questions. Um, we've got four panellists and theoretic use this, but it's gonna last 25 minutes. So, um uh, I look forward to, uh, seeing if we can manage that. But anyway, in no particular order, I'm going to introduce our panellists, Abby Leota, having a career in both the not for profit, not for profit and private sectors. Abby is motivated by people and the power of a voice. She's also passionate about the Positive Speakers Bureau programme. Would you please give her a hand? Alex Anderson, NZAF, uh, health regional manager, working with both the Wellington Centre and te Christchurch teams to help ensure they offer a range of services that meet the needs of their priority populations. Please, uh welcome Alex. Matt Sharp is, uh, as you've seen the co-founder of the Po Toi Toi project and Wellington's peer Navigator for Bos Body Positive. This role supports newly diagnosed people with HIV. Matt is also a host for the monthly body Positive social and meet up at S and M, please. A hand for Matt. And last but not least, James Rice Davies is a nurse specialist in mental health, palliative care and HIV and remains very passionate about HIV. After 30 years of working in this area, please, would you give him a round of applause? Right. Well, I'm gonna sit down now, and I'm gonna ask my questions from the chair. They call it cheering, don't they? Right. OK, the first question is for Abby. Sorry. The first question is for Alex. I went off the script. Alex, What can we do to reduce stigma against people living with HIV? Yeah, this is a really big question. I think, um, I might actually give each of the panel members a really quick moment to speak about this because each of the organisations is doing something really special. The one thing I'll quickly say is that, um, stigma looks different in every single space. And I think there's a huge difference between stigma, say, in the workplace or, um, other places that you may face in society and that online, particularly with men who have sex with men, say on grind or in other spaces. And I'm really very thoughtful about that. Um, you know, we did some great stuff this year, uh, with the body positive around addressing stigma based on the fact that a Brunton survey said that, uh, 46% of people were concerned if someone with HIV cooked them food. And so working with Bo body positive this year at the big day out, we were able to deliver a store with exactly that. And really, um, confront those ideas and and that stigma, uh, straight on head on. Uh, so some of the things we're doing to kind of reduce stigma, I guess just having our social group really helps. Um, people. It's quite an open forum where people can come and participate, um, and feel included in the community. Um, the project came out of a, um um a workshop about how we can reduce stigma in our society and in our community. So that's one project that kind of came into fruition. And, of course, um, the Positive Speakers Bureau is about empowering people living with HIV to be the educators and be the face of HIV, um, to help reduce stigma. So thank you. Change. OK, all good. I'm gonna follow up now with a question for Matt. What is U equals you. So U equals, um And so, uh, and undetectable equals IV stigma improve the lives of people living with HIV and to end the global HIV epidemic. Thank you. Thank you. So if you hand the microphone to Abby, ey might tell us how has, uh, U equals you impacted on couples having Children? Um, so you equals you has actually been practised in the heterosexual community around, um, reproductive health and rights, I think for for at least since 2008 with this study, Um, So what you equals you has done for us has ratified. Um, what a practise that we've been doing and really validated that and enforced. Um uh, I guess that the message that it's actually ok, um, but primarily I think it's, uh, changed. The, uh, couples living in fear of infecting. Um, you know, a loved one. And I think for anyone living with HIV, we relate that, um, nobody ever wants to hurt someone they love and and having not having to live in that fear anymore. Um, and that they can have a beautiful and loving um, relationship. Thank you. While we're talking, um, about U equals you. Maybe James could, uh, answer a question for us. Um, James is the U equals U and prep campaign influencing the rise in other STD S. And if yes, why do you believe this to be true? Uh, I'll ignore the second part because, um, my thought is Is that, um hey, you go. You isn't isn't, um, increasing the rate of SD I or the use of prep? Um, my glass tends to be half full. And my thought is Is that, um, people who are on the prep programme are also having regular sexual health checkups, um, on a three monthly basis as a way forward of getting their prep script as such. So, if anything, I think what we should be looking at is that prep as such is engaging people around their sexual health for the first time, we've got a programme that engages people to come into the health services, get a full ST I screen and pick up their prep script if that's what they're there for. Um, I think I think it's a way, a way forward, rather than seeing it as what some people see it as being a licence just to have lots of unprotected sex and and potentially that the rate of his SDIS will rise. Um, I'm not. I'm not convinced that's the case. Now, if you hang on to the microphone, I might actually follow up with a a second question for you. Um, James, are there laws in New Zealand that protect the confidentiality and human rights of people living with HIV? I suppose the the laws that we have in New Zealand and we're lucky compared to other countries in the world is is that for example, um, same sex relationships, you don't go to prison, uh, sex work. You don't go to prison, and I suppose from that point of view we do have laws that protect human rights. In that way, those groups can be overly affected by the rate of HIV But at least when they access healthcare, they're not frightened that they're then going to be put in prison on top of that. So I suppose, from a point of view of human rights, I suppose, living in New Zealand, I suppose we do have the law, some good basic laws that protect us. Um, and as far as confidentiality is concerned, I don't think there's any extra laws as far as confidentiality is concerned around HIV Uh, but, um, in a health care setting. But obviously anybody with any type of diagnosis who attends a service, whether it's for breast cancer or or whether it's, you know, to, you know, to have the, you know, a new hip The confidentiality is such is that if you're caring for that person, you cannot disclose to your friends or loved ones when you go home, those the people's names that you've been looking at after at work. So, to my knowledge, there isn't anything extra that protects HIV as code. Isn't it the name of the protecting, uh, legislation or the code that comes out of the Health Privacy Act? Yeah, OK, uh, Matt, time for another question for Matt. Um and it's a it's a it's a two pronged one. Well, Matt, what's the focus of support networks like Body Positive and the AIDS Foundation? Now, the number of HIV cases has been declining. And will these support networks look further? A field? Now there are cases of other untreatable STD S appearing in New Zealand. Two prongs. Ok, um, first question, um, so our work really focuses on, um, supporting people to engage and remain in care. Um, so we work working on, um, other parts of their lives, which may affect the ability to focus on their health. Um, such as stigma, which we talked about before. Loneliness, isolation, um, addiction issues, mental health, um, issues and other kind of things like that. Um, And for the second part of the question, um, syphilis is quite an epidemic, um, in New Zealand at the moment. Especially among, um, um, men having sex with men. Um, so removing these barriers, um, that people can get tested and treated easily. The things like HIV, hep C. Um, syphilis is important. Um, for our entire community. Um, there's actually been two cases of antibacterial resistant gonorrhoea recorded in Australia, and both treated. Um, not in New Zealand so far. Um, but it's important that we don't build, uh, build fear around, um STIs, um, and just encourage people to engage in testing and treatment and not be afraid to notify their partners and get tested as well. Did any of the other organisations want to respond to that question? I know it was directed at Matt, but no. Or if you're happy with the answer, we can move on as an exceptional answer. I just want to say that, really, all of our services are funded by the Ministry of Health and they almost set, uh, because of the funding, what we do and don't in regards to priority populations. Um, look, we'd all love to work with as many people as we can and and keep this fight, But, uh, unless we get the money to do the work, we just keep stretching our resources thinner and thinner and and and I guess that's something that we're all you know continually thinking about. I can't speak to the others, but we've not had a, uh, increase in our funding for over 10 years. So we're working on the same money um And so it's, you know, really tight. Thank you. Um, Abby. Question for you. Uh, can a woman living with HIV pass the virus on to her unborn baby? Um, if a woman is on effective, um, treatment, the the risk is less than 1%. Unfortunately for those that don't know that they're HIV positive or, um, don't have access to treatment. Um, the risk range ranges between 25 and 45%. So, really, we're looking at risks. If you're on anti, um, medication that there's it's almost cancels out any risk. So in New Zealand, uh, when we've known that moms have been HIV positive, there's been no babies born, uh, in New Zealand. HIV positive. Uh, since I can't remember the exact date for a very long time, So yeah, it's it's looking very good. Thank you very much. We're going now to our last of the, uh, individual questions, and we're back to Alex. And I've kept you for last because this is a This is a looking forward question. Um, Alex, what's next on the campaign trail for HIV HIV awareness in New Zealand, I can only speak from the New Zealand AIDS Foundation, and you might want to chuck some stuff in, um, afterwards. Three years ago, we had a big change. Transformationally in regards of an organisation with historically been HIV prevention and really focusing on condoms. Uh, luckily, we're getting way more HIV prevention tools in our, um, belts now. And so when we look at things like, uh, still condoms, but, uh, U equals you, uh, we look at tests or treatment as prevention. Um, we look at, you know, um, keeping people engaged with health care and promoting testing. Um, there's probably something really else I'm missing. Prep, of course. How can I forget that? You know, these are these are tools that are really changing the landscape. And it's really about how do we communicate this So that, um, the average New Zealander actually understands that because I think this loops back to stigma. I've recently moved down to Wellington. I want to share a really quick story with you. Um, I was living with my niece. Um, really smart switched on young lady and her partner, and they're asking me So you know, what is this? What do you actually do and what's changed? And I'm like, Well, do you know about prep? And this is the medication. This is what it does. And I could literally hear their brain cells exploding like you know. Oh, my God. You mean that you can take medication now and you're sexually at no risk of passing this on? Oh, you know, this this the ideas that we have in our society for a large chunk of people are very outdated. And so I believe the more we can work on the general population level as well as those that are most impacted by HIV is really the the key work we need to do. Yeah. Thank you. It's about making our service more accessible and acceptable to everybody. I guess in a nutshell. We're happy to move on from that point. Thank you very much. So we've got, um we can do a time check with our organisers one more minute. Just when we get to the question for the whole panel, he says I've got one more minute. So, uh, this is for each of your organisations. How do you evaluate programmes that you've instigated to affect change? And is it uh is it internal or external and independent. So what are your evaluation programmes like for the for the work that you do very briefly from from a health care point of view, then obviously what we're able to do is monitor that, uh, there's 430 people in the Wellington region who are diagnosed with HIV and about 80 people who aren't diagnosed. Uh, for the 430 people who attend the Wellington service, then, um, going back to the U equals U policy is that 97 per cent of all our patients hit undetectable viral load, no virus in their blood. So that's easy. From a point of view of saying, you know, there's very few people who choose not to take treatment after diagnosis, and the people who do take treatment have no virus in their blood. They haven't got rid of it, but they've been able to switch it off and put it to sleep. And that's because they take treatment daily. Um, so from that point of view, Wellington and the whole of New Zealand does very well as far as hitting undetectable levels for the people who engage in care so clinical follow up evaluation techniques. Um, Yep. Um, so for those people who are using our services for testing or for accessing therapeutic care, um, so be that a counsellor. They we ask them to provide us feedback at the end of their their care. So we're really keen to Are we working for you as as what we're doing accessible and acceptable. Um, but we also, uh, every six months, uh, where a survey goes out and it's for 1000 MS M to understand are our social media messages getting out there in regards to, uh, HIV prevention tools? And how is this impacting behaviour change in regards to adopting some of those And that's handled by an external company, uh, surveys rather than so we we send those out. But there was also one other piece of that which was the gaps and go survey, which was an externally funded by the Ministry of Health. And unfortunately, it stopped about four years ago. I have heard the local government well, the government is going to reengage this fingers crossed. They keep their, uh, their promise because it really is an exceptionally valuable tool to look into the insights of MS M. Um, so body positive usually works at the individual level. Um, and assessment is performed internally with each person to assess how invention, uh, has worked. Usually, we continue to be engaged with individuals into a satisfactory outcome. Um, as has occurred. Um, Just to follow up on that, um, also, we engage with the New Zealand Stigma index, which will, um, provide a baseline of stigma as experienced by individual people living with HIV and will be able to track and change over time. Um, specifically the Positive Speakers Bureau. We do a function called triangulation. I love that word. Um, where we, um So we offer a free service, um, where they are trained speakers and we gather data. So feedback from the host, the person that's booked, um, to make sure that we're meeting the expectations, we get feedback from the audience, um, to see how, um impacted them or affected them. And we also asked the speaker because, um, you know, and then we look at all of that data together, um, to see, um, if if we felt that it met, met what we were trying to achieve, OK, I've got one more question for the whole panel. You've got 15 seconds each. We'll start with Abby. OK? What are we doing To encourage the majority of people living in stable relationships unaware of their partner's status to get tested. What are we doing to encourage those Those? Uh, sure. Look, um, New Zealand has lost, uh, two women to aids. Um, undiagnosed late diagnosis in the last couple of years. And so we've done recently done a campaign around Tonya, uh, and her legacy of her family. And so it's just around, um, get tested. You know, women get HIV, too. Um And you know, I always say, if you want to test me, then you know why. Why? Why wouldn't you Why wouldn't you test somebody? So yeah, um, with you, um, most people living with HIV and so with US U and most people living with IV are in stable relationships and are not infectious. Um, by removing the stigma around HIV, I would assume that the partner is aware of the status and has been engaged in testing already. Um, ongoing testing isn't necessary as S EU really does work. Um, for us in that space, we have an annual uh, drive on testing, which goes out to a wide range of people. We're also doing some stuff around home testing kits. We were able to send kits out to anywhere in New Zealand that allow people to create the do the test by themselves at home, so that can be right up to. So it's about getting tests to those that are dispersed and maybe be able, aren't aren't able to access. Um, testing. From my point of view, it's more around education for health care providers, and there's still a lot of barriers. As far as offering HIV test is concerned, even in GP, Practise says, because there is very much a 19 eighties 19 nineties thinking about HIV. So it's from my point of view, it's more around education of healthcare providers and trying to lower some of those barriers and make and facilitating more easier access to testing. Thank you. Well, that comes to the end of our formal questions that were submitted by the community before we began the the event. Um, just wondering if we do have a couple of minutes for one or two questions from the floor. Um, if anyone's, uh would like to ask a question or make a comment. Then there's some space. Now, um, for you to do that, do you think that there will be a law change where now that HIV positive people have to declare the state as if they do use condom condom sex. But now that you equals you is around and they know that they're undetectable. Will that be a law change? Do you, In your opinion, I think potentially what will happen is is that, um So what Lee's referring to is that you don't have to disclose your HIV status as long as you're using condoms. Yeah, but you could end up going to court if you didn't use condoms and didn't disclose with the U equals you or undetectable viral load. It would be nice that we if we could change the law now to say that if somebody's undetectable, they can't pass on HIV. So why would they end up in court? I think most probably what will end up happening is is that somebody will end up going to court, who's undetectable, who hasn't passed it on, and that will make the change rather than us doing something proactively, if you see what I mean. I think that's the sad bit of it in the pan that France may have done some stuff in there. I had a funny feeling. France is actually really leading this area. And I I remember reading something that they've actually progressed some laws around us, so I watched the space. I think people are already moving on this, some other. Yeah, I'd like it. Um, I'd like it to be recognised by the Ministry of Health as as a as a treatment, uh, preventive treatment first. And then, um, and then look to to to for the law to trickle down. But it's a proactive approach rather than a reactive. Yeah. Thank you. I just wanted to ask, um, about, uh what sort of news do we have, uh, regarding a potential cure or next generation, uh, medications. Stuff like that? Um, yeah, cure wise. You know, every if you if you sort of think every 10 years, there has been a huge change in HIV care. So when I started in the eighties, everybody just died. We didn't have any treatment. It was a life threatening illness. People just died. Now you're saying, You know, 35 years later, you're saying on a diagnosis if if early, then you've got a normal life expectancy, I'm assuming that in the next decade we'll have something that either can turn it off completely so you don't have to take daily treatment, potentially a vaccine and and perhaps some way of clearing, uh, HIV out of sanctuary sites. Um, but all of H I HIV is is is unusual in the fact that it it doesn't replicate well, so you have different viruses in the blood, so it's hard to get a vaccine because if you think of it as a lock and a key situation, the lock keeps changing all the time. So it's very difficult for scientists to come up with something that fits several different locks when, rather than one key to fit one lock. And that's where the the crunch happens. But people are still working on it and and looking at how you know how we can clear it out or switch it off, I think that might be time that I stand up and, um, on your behalf would like to thank our panellists. So if you could please give them around the floor. So you've been with, uh, James Rise Davies, Matt Sharp, Alex Anderson and Abby Leota. Thank you very much. Fabulous. So I'm going to invite, um, uh, one of our young speakers, So I want to invite do, um, So fair was born in Argentina, and he lived in Mexico and recently travelled around the world Fair is a LGBTI Q plus a musician, human rights activist and animal rights activist for identifies as a feminist. I you my love. Hi. Thank you so much. Uh, to everyone for being here and caring, Uh, thank you to everyone involved in this beautiful, uh, memorial. I just wanna share some thoughts with you and some memories. Um, So when I was around nine years old, someone told me that, um, if I was gay, I would, uh, get ate and die, and it made me cry. Um, years later, Um, I went to this sex education class, and they barely mention HIV as an STD. And I also remember a lot of people using, um, HIV and AIDS as an insult. So naturally, I grew up scared of it, even though I didn't really know what it was or the difference between one and the other. Um, so years later, whenever I would go get tested, I would panic. And it was really difficult. And I would think, um, things like I don't really wanna know. I'd rather not know I kill myself if I get it. This is the worst thing that could happen to me and stuff like that. So it was very, very, very difficult. Um, when I was invited, um, to come here tonight and and speak here, which I feel very honoured. Thank you so much. Um, I wanted to do a little research, so I, uh, went on the Internet, of course. And I also had a conversation with some friends just to see what have changed in the last years. And I was I couldn't believe it when I talked with grown up people, um, professionals, artists, uh, role models for kids and people who has travelled the world educated people. And they were telling me stuff like, um, I don't wanna get tested. I don't know the difference between, uh, any kind of STD SI. I have a risky behaviour, but I'm I'm afraid of it and I don't wanna know and I'd rather not know. And I was like, uh, some people even would tell me like that. That's for gay people or promiscuous people. So they were so wrong and I couldn't believe it, like it was like being on a time capsule. Um, then I went on the internet and I was reading the news. And there are some countries, like, uh, well, a lot of countries, actually. But for example, Mexico or Argentina, which now are struggling to provide, uh, antiretrovirals and other medication related to SC DS forget about preps. Uh, so there are people on the street telling the government that they need to deal with it. And whenever I would go to the comments, there were again all of these messages filled with hatred, uh, people wishing, uh, people to die and using HIV and AIDS as an insult again. So I started wondering, like, how do we really end HIV if one of the root, uh, issues with it is still there and nothing has changed? Uh, which is the lack of empathy and the lack of tolerance and the lack of love and, uh, the stigma? Um, it's Yeah, it's actually very, very sad. Um, we need to fight all of this. So I would like to encourage all of you to become activists and to recruit other people and just normalise conversations about STD S because it's still a taboo. It's still a taboo. There's a lot of people who just try to look the other way because it's uncomfortable to talk about this. So if we start normalising this, we're gonna be closer to, uh, a potential, uh, heal Because, as he said, darling, and it was beautiful, all love, um can kill, hate and and fear We need to end fear and we need to end with the HIV closet and all kind of STD S closet. Um so first things first, Uh, um, I'm an activist. I I and I'm a musician. I've written songs about abuse, and, uh, I've given speeches about, um, abortion, Um, LGBTI Q rights. And I've never talked about HIV before. So, um, I guess this is my chance. Um yeah, I. I was diagnosed in 2014 and I was so depressed for three months I thought my life was over. I thought I couldn't travel anymore. And I thought I would never have a partner. Um, truth is, um I started travelling more than ever since that I started having a healthier lifestyle, and I also started having more meaningful relationships with others and with myself because I became more aware and more conscious of who I am and what I want. Um, there are a lot of things that are changing in the world and not in a good way. Uh, there are some leaders in the world who have an speech of hatred and fascism, so we need to stand together, and we need to to to face it and fight it. We need to do that. Uh, because we can't keep going backwards or keep stuck. Uh, so the time is now and it's in our hands. That's pretty much it. Thank you so much. Uh, OK, so now it's time to reflect, uh, remember and celebrate the lives of our friends, partners and family members that are no longer with us, as well as remembering those who still struggle with stigma and lack of support. There is still so much work to be done to break down the barriers of stigma and misconception in today's world, today's memorial has highlighted the struggle of other nations with human rights and access to HIV and AIDS support. Members of the community will now present four candles representing our solidarity and support of all nations struggling with human rights, lack of HIV AIDS, support and medications. So I'd like to invite up to present a candle presenting human rights. Next person I'd like to is glacier to present the candle representing access to medication just at the back of the room there love to go around the back and come forward. The next person I'd like to invite up is Phil to present a candle representing access to education. And, um, I'd like to invite the glamour phones to present a candle for basic human needs. OK, Lighting of the candles represents our memories of those who have passed, as well as to raise awareness and hope for the future. We now invite you to place names on the memorial tree at the at the hall entrance and then proceed to the memorial tables to light your candles. The memorial book is located at the entrance way. For those who want to write a message. Um, so we now invite er anyone who would like to say anything anyone, be I. I just want to If I may say something, we've been bloody successful. Look, I know that there's a hell of a lot of work to be done. I know that it's still really hard. I know that there's still people hurting. I know that there's still a great deal of stigma. But when we started out, fuck, it was a lot worse. You know, there were. I know I can I can list over 50 names of friends who died in this generation. Thank God around that numbers of New Zealanders who die We have made immense strides and that is your victory. It's really, really good work that is being done and has been done. And may it continue. Thanks. I want to give three fold. Thanks. First of all, thanks for the who died over 20 years ago. He is my beautiful butterfly, my monarch. I still see him very often and I'll thank him for the memory and the joy that he has given me and many others. Then I'd like to thank the organisations that have helped him the prostitutes collective, the AIDS Foundation. And we went together for the various times that he wanted to be tested and was too frightened to go by himself. These organisations are ongoing and I'd like to thank you for the help that you have given him while he was still with us even though it was a long time ago. And thirdly, I'd like to thank you for organising the continuation of these evenings, which gives me the opportunity to give a little tear of thanks and memory. Thank you. That's it for the evening. So I'd really like to thank you for coming to these, um the candle memorials. And Jared, you done an amazing job, darling. You have to say so because he I'm good. Don't worry for not forgetting it and also the rest of the team for helping out in the kitchen also organise it and to our run to round applause. Thank you. You're welcome. And for MC. Thanks. Thanks, Jay. This is your life. Thanks, love. And just to, um the speeches that have been given tonight, Uh, but also to, um, acknowledge that in, uh, that we've, uh, visited. Been visited for a short time by those people that, uh we, uh, want to remember. Uh, but we also now say to those that we are remembering Go back to your place and we'll call you again and we'll join together again. But leave those people to those people and us to ourselves Here, Uh, and as we say in Maori, I good, Thanks. 10 9. What? Damn. Yeah. P Two No fun Me? Yeah, OK, good. I'm sorry. The audio recording ends. A list of keywords/tags describing the recording follow. These tags contain the correct spellings of names and places which may have been incorrectly spelt earlier in the document. The tags are seperated by a semi-colon: 2010s; Abby Leota; Alex Anderson; Aotearoa New Zealand; Big Gay Out (Auckland); Body Positive; Candlelight Memorials; Fer Dossaints; Governor-General of New Zealand; HIV / AIDS; HIV education; HIV stigma; James Rice-Davies; Lee Eklund; Matt Sharpe; NZAF Ā whina Centre; NZPC: Aotearoa New Zealand Sex Workers' Collective; New Zealand AIDS Foundation (NZAF); Patsy Reddy; Positive Speakers Bureau; Positive Women Inc; PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis); Richard Tankersley; STI; Scotty and Mal's Cocktail Bar; Sister Paula Brettkelly; Tararua Tramping Club; Tom O'Donoghue; Trish McBride; Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U, campaign); Wellington. The original recording can be heard at this website The master recording is also archived at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand. For more details visit their website Please note that this document may contain errors or omissions - you should always refer back to the original recording to confirm content.