Volunteers are being sought to help out with the gayest event in Auckland, the Get it On! Big Gay Out. Thousands of people fill Pt Chevalier's Coyle Park every year for the day of entertainment, food, stalls and general revelry. This year Anika Moa will headline the entertainment, an attraction which is bound to pull in the crowds on February 13. Get it On! Is still looking for volunteers, who a spokesperson says can expect a day as diverse and colourful as the crowds. "The more volunteers we have, the more we can move people around so that they can experience: charming the gold out of punters as they walk in the gates, handing out condoms, staffing the Slip'n'Slide, distributing condoms, working the gaba/NZAF Hospitality Marquee and Information tent, promoting condoms, ensuring the dance beats are pumping steadily, rehydrating, feeding and applying sunblock to all the other volunteers, and making sure there are enough condoms so everyone can Get it On!" Anyone who is interested should email volunteer@getiton.co.nz
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 26th January 2011 - 3:15pm