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Alleged Otago "hate crime" met with disgust

Wed 15 Dec 2010 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton News of an alleged 'hate crime' in Moeraki has been met with shock and disgust in the Waitaki community. Two men were allegedly 'run out of town' in Moeraki, North Otago, by two others who  mistakenly thought they were gay. Hampden police Senior Constable Darrin Low told Dunedin District Court  that one man who had been detained said he had "never known fear like it", according to the Otago Daily Times. Waitaki Mayor Alex Familton says the “[alleged] actions are totally repulsive and uncharacteristic of our District” adding that his experience of the Waitaki District is of a tolerant and friendly community, proud of its diverse population. Helen Algar Waitaki District Council Community Safety Officer Helen Algar is also disgusted with the offenders' apparent attitudes, which she has attributed to a small minority. "We take pride in the fact that our community is safe. A recent resident's survey showed that 99 percent of our residents feel safe, we are not resting on our laurels, we are continuing to work in this area." The two accused men have appeared in the Dunedin District Court charged with kidnapping and have been remanded in custody to appear in court again tomorrow.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 15th December 2010 - 1:21pm

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