Christchurch's Gay Business Association is about to vote in a new chair and register as an incorporated society. GBA is holding its AGM at the Honeypot Café tonight, with Jill Borland standing down as chairperson due to personal circumstances. She will also stand down from the committee. The rest of the committee is believed to be re-standing. GBA has been in operation since the first 'meeting of interested parties' at Pride Week May 2008. Since then membership has grown and a website has been developed, which includes a business directory which is available for members who own or financially manage a business to advertise. The Committee has established quarterly seminar series BizWits and Firsty Thursday monthly networking drinks as regular events. It additionally organises other get-togethers throughout the year. Borland says GBA is about to take its next 'leap' in its development by becoming registered as an incorporated society. She says this will enable the Association to seeking funding for projects such as mentoring. The committee is also seeking new members and Borland says skills which would be useful include leadership, marketing, IT, financial, organisation and administration. GBA AGM: The meeting will be held at 6.00pm, on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at Honeypot Café, 114 Lichfield Street. Nominations will be taken for all positions on the committee of the Association: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Committee (including Event facilitator, Membership co-ordinator, Newsletter editor
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 23rd November 2010 - 10:14am