Chris Carter Labour MP Chris Carter has accepted the decision of party leader Phil Goff to strip him of his Foreign Affairs portfolio and remove him from the front bench. Goff announced Carter was being demoted earlier today, saying his breaches of expenditure rules during his time as a Minister in the last Labour Government alone did not warrant the move. However he said when combined with public controversy around the frequency and cost of his travel as a Minister, accompanied by his partner, it damaged his ability to continue in the portfolio. Carter says he fully accepts the decision. "It is time for me to draw a line: time to rededicate myself to the principal job of being the Member of Parliament for Te Atatu, and I will do this," he says. "My constituents, Phil Goff and my Labour Party colleagues all have expectations of me – and so they should. I will work to ensure their confidence in me is well-placed." Carter says he will apply himself to any responsibilities he receives with his 'usual energy and enthusiasm'. The longtime MP will make no further comment.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Monday, 14th June 2010 - 6:37pm