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Out Takes guide: Monday - Thursday

Mon 31 May 2010 In: Movies View at NDHA

Hereis the daily film schedule for the final three days of Out Takes in Auckland and opening night in Wellington: Monday May 31 6:30pm - Eyes Wide Open Hugely controversial on its release in Israel, this is a gay love story set in the heart of Jerusalem's ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. Little Ashes 8:30pm - Little Ashes Twilight's Robert Pattinson plays young art student Salvador Dalí, in love with poet Federico García Lorca. 8:40pm - Edie years after the The Naked Civil Servant, John Hurt reprises the role of Quentin Crisp. Out Takes - 31st May 2010    

Credit: Out Takes

First published: Monday, 31st May 2010 - 3:08pm

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