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High-placed Irish homophobe admits adultery

Sat 9 Jan 2010 In: International News View at NDHA

The stridently anti-gay and born-again Christian wife of Ireland's First Minister has publicly admitted having had an adulterous affair with a younger man. Iris Robinson Iris Robinson's reputation as a religious and moral crusader took a tumble yesterday when the 60-year old ultra-unionist mother of three admitted having affair eighteen months ago with a then 19-year old cafe owner whom she had supported after a death in his family. Robinson, who recently stood down from  her 'first lady' role, has publicly proclaimed homosexuality "an abomination" and claims gays and lesbians be turned heterosexual by psychotherapy. In an outburst of moralisation in 2008 she likened homosexualoity to paedophilia. Ironically, after US president Bill Clinton's extra-marital affair became known, Robinson reportedly said of Hillary Clinton "No woman would put up with what she has tolerated from her husband."    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Saturday, 9th January 2010 - 9:28pm

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