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Who's filtering you? A quick and easy research project

Thu 9 Jun 2005 In: Worth Checking Out

If you have legitimate access to the internet facilities of a publicly funded or operated institution such as a government agency, school, college or university we'd like you to search glbt-related words to see what's being blocked (or let through) by moral watchdogs. For instance, the main blocking organisation contracted by the Minister of Education has strong links into fundamentalist Christian networks. If you report back to us before the END OF JUNE we'll collate the results and send them to appropriate government agencies for comment. You might like to attempt to access local and overseas sites which include words such as: lesbian gay homosexual queer poofter transsexual bisexual HIV AIDS sexuality gay pride sex safe sex sex change anal intercourse penis vagina breast(s) dyke(s) faggot(s) homo condom etc. Please report back using the Contact Us link below, advising what institution housed the internet computer you used, the words/sites you tried and the response you got on your browser. will not convey your identity or email address to anyone. UPDATE: Please advise us if you test some of these words and have no difficulty... it's important we get negative AND positive reports. - 9th June 2005


First published: Thursday, 9th June 2005 - 12:00pm

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