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Four arrested after lesbian brutally raped

Sun 4 Jan 2009 In: International News

California police have arrested two teenagers and two older men after a woman was taunted for being a lesbian, repeatedly raped and left naked outside an abandoned apartment building on December 13. A 16-year-old and a 15-year-old have been taken into custody, as well as 31-year-old Humberto Hernandez Salvador, 31. Following those arrests 21-year-old Josue Gonzalez turned himself in to police. An outpouring of community support followed the crime, including a candlelight vigil and the setting up of a trust fund to help the woman. Meanwhile, in South Africa a senior Nelson Mandela Bay municipal employee has been arrested in connection with what is being described as the “ritual” murder of her lesbian lover in a savage slasher killing just days before Christmas. Police found evidence linking the woman to the death of her long-time lover in the flat they shared, on December 21. The victim was stabbed in the neck with a broken-off bottleneck then her body was washed, partially dressed and left neatly beside a bed by the alleged killer.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Sunday, 4th January 2009 - 11:59am

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