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Kick up your heels for Dorothy's Sister

Mon 4 Aug 2008 In: Events View at Wayback View at NDHA

Look out, Doreen! It's been a full-on year of high camp at Ponsonby's fruitiest destination, so it's time to celebrate a first birthday with three nights of fabulosity… Party #1 – Friday 8 August 2008 Dress like Doreen Night! We're all jealous of Dorothy's Sister hostess Doreen and her effortless glamour – but who knew it was so easy to steal her look?'s spies have uncovered a leaked document, found pinned to Doreen's wardrobe. A shocked Doreen phoned us urgently to beg us not to reveal her beauty secrets… whoops! Too late now! Here they are: So head to The Warehouse or raid your Nana's closet and we'll see you when you join the Dot's team on Friday from 8pm for their Dress Like Doreen Night – with a prize for the best Doreen-A-Like! Good luck to all those entering, we appreciate the effort you're putting on. Doreen's look may cost up to $20 to replicate… but the results will be worth it. Just promise us you won't let the attention/gifts you receive from illegible men go to your head too much. Vera   

Credit: Matt Akersten

First published: Monday, 4th August 2008 - 10:26am

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