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Money taken from missing man's account

Tue 2 Oct 2007 In: New Zealand Daily News

6:30PM: Police have revealed that money was withdrawn from the bank account of missing Hastings man Cameron Dormer in Waihi, shortly before his car was torched at nearby Katikati. Cameron Dormer Police hold grave fears for the safety of Dormer, whose partner Clinton Hughes says has been missing since leaving their Hastings home on Saturday to run errands. Dormer sent a text message to Hughes at 3.30pm last Saturday saying he was being followed by another car and would take down its registration number. Detective Sergeant Mike Foster told the NZ Herald an undisclosed amount of money with withdrawn from one of his bank accounts at an ATM machine in Waihi about 8pm but the account was not emptied. Later that night his 1998 Honda Accord sedan was found burnt out more than 300km away near Katikati in the Bay of Plenty. Hastings police now says they hold grave fears for Dormer's safety, and have appealed to the public to report any sightings of the car during its trip from Hastings to Katikati, 35km northwest of Tauranga. They are hoping the car's distinctive all-white colour, including white hubcaps, might be remembered by other motorists. New Zealand Police have Diversity Liasion Officiers especially trained to handle LGBT issues. If you have any information which may help Hastings Police with their inquiries as to the whereabouts of Cameron Dormer, please call Evelyn Malcolmon 06 873 0576.     Ref: NZ Herald (d)

Credit: News Staff

First published: Tuesday, 2nd October 2007 - 6:39pm

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