Last year an outbreak of syphilis hit gay Wellington, and now gay men's health experts say the sexually transmitted infection is on the increase in Auckland's gay male population. Gay Men's Health Team Co-ordinator Douglas Jenkin understands there have been 50 syphilis cases reported in Auckland since July last year - 25 of these are gay men. “As many as three of the gay men are HIV-positive, which is particularly worrying as syphilis progresses faster and does more harm in HIV-positive people. It also makes the virus four times easier to both receive and transmit,” explains Jenkin. Syphilis is passed on via skin contact, or giving/receiving anal or oral sex without a condom. “Consistent condom use for anal sex and regular testing, especially if you have a lot of casual sex, is essential to help bring this outbreak back under control,” says Jenkin. “These days syphilis can be easily cleared up by antibiotics, but it's very important to get tested as often symptoms do not show up. Left untreated, it develops over time into a serious and often fatal condition.” The Gay Men's Health team's website, on the link below, explains all about syphilis - the symptoms, how to avoid it, and where to get tested. Ref: (m)
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 15th February 2007 - 12:00pm