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Mexico to consider transgender rights

Sat 27 Jan 2007 In: International News

A Mexican politician has announced he is to bring forward legislation in March to amend the country's constitution to grant legal protection for transgender people. David Sanchez Camacho, a Federal congressman for the socialist Partido de la Revolución Democrática, (PRD), also revealed he intends to propose new laws to allow trans people to legally change their gender and name. He wants to insert a clause in article four of the Mexican constitution that reads: "Every person has the right to the recognition and free exercise of their gender identity and their gender expression." The constitution already stipulates equal rights for men and women. Mr Sanchez Camacho, who is gay, has previously spoken out in favour of same-sex marriage. He is president of the Commission of Vulnerable Groups in the Congress of the Union of Mexico and last year he organised the country's first Forum on Sexual Diversity and Human Rights. The DRP controls the local government of the Federal District of Mexico City, but are in opposition in the national parliament. Same-sex civil unions were legalised in the Federal District last year.     Ref: (m)

Credit: News Staff

First published: Saturday, 27th January 2007 - 12:00pm

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