The New Zealand AIDS Foundation is calling for applications for a new $6,000 grant scheme which will be awarded annually to a postgraduate student or postdoctoral researcher working either on HIV/AIDS or men-who-have-sex-with-men. "We hope to increase awareness of the NZAF as a centre for research," says NZAF Research Director Tony Hughes. "We also want to grow the field of research in these two areas." The grant was recently established by the Foundation in memory of Matthew Blair Whyte, a valued staff member who died from AIDS in October 2004. Matt made a very significant contribution to the Foundation's work to prevent the transmission of HIV and support those with HIV/AIDS in New Zealand. For the first three years the NZAF will administer the grant as an external grant/scholarship for the benefit of a postgraduate student or postdoctoral researcher enrolled at a University in New Zealand. Students need to have their applications to Hughes by January 31 next year. The application will need to include details of the nature and duration of the proposed research project; their arrangements for academic supervision or collaboration and ethical approval; an estimate of the research costs that are likely to be incurred in the course of the project and any other scholarships/grants or academic awards that they already hold.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Sunday, 12th December 2004 - 12:00pm