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Boy George to pay for Pete Burns' funeral

Mon 31 Oct 2016 In: International News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Boy George has reportedly offered his support to the family of the late Pete Burns, paying for the costs of the Dead or Alive singer’s funeral. Boy George with Pete Burns Speaking to the Sun, a source says, “It is very sad, but Pete died absolutely penniless and there is no money for a funeral. At one point Lynne and Michael were discussing with Pete’s friends about setting up a crowdfunding page to pay for it. “But people were not happy about that as they thought it would be undignified for Pete. “When George got wind of this, he offered to pay for the whole thing straight away. He thinks Lynne and Michael have enough on their plates and wanted to take this concern away from them. “It is strangely fitting that one Eighties legend should help out another in this way.” Boy George paid tribute to Burn’s on Twitter writing “Tearful about the passing of @PeteBurnsICON he was one of our great true eccentrics and such a big part of my life! Wow. Hard to believe!” In 2007 Burns joined Michael Simpson in Civil Union, both Simpson and the singer’s ex-wife Lynne Corlett announced Burn’s death.    


First published: Monday, 31st October 2016 - 3:39pm

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