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Confirmed: Hills wins seat on Auckland Council

Fri 14 Oct 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Richard Hills has today been confirmed as a Councillor for Auckland, winning his seat by 128 votes. With 12,651 votes in total, the openly gay Councillor will work with the new Auckland Mayor Phil Goff and 19 fellow Councillors in his position. Announcing the confirmation on social media, Hills says "This is a huge privilege and opportunity, we are going to get a lot done for this awesome City but we need your help and ideas too. "I want more people, especially younger people engaged and included in this city and in council plans and priorities. It's a big job but I am absolutely amped for it. Surrounded by so much good I am so lucky and a little overwhelmed." Hill is among the first openly gay Councillors in Auckland, preceded only by former Councillors Trevor Barnard and Denise Yates who sat on Councils before the Super City was formed. As an openly gay man, he says his sexuality did not impact his campaign which was based on the theme “positivity”. Hills has a strong history of advocating for the LGBTI community, with a particular focus on youth issues. Last night he was awarded the Sir Edmund Hillary Youth Achievement Award from the Graeme Dingle Foundation for his contributions to youth and community.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Friday, 14th October 2016 - 11:56am

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