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LGBTI homeless not addressed at inquiry

Wed 24 Aug 2016 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA

No in-person submissions were made in regards to the LGBTI homeless communities at Monday’s Cross-Party Homelessness Inquiry held in Auckland. The submissions were given at a four hour hearing at Te Pūea Marae in Mangere, the first of four due to take place around the country. Auckland-based national LGBTI support organisations RainbowYOUTH and OUTLine were not present at the hearing and did not make submissions to the inquiry and no personal submissions relating to LGBTI homelessness were made. A total of 450 submissions have been made to the Inquiry, which was launched by the Labour Party, the Green Party and the Māori party after a request for a Parliamentary select committee inquiry in to homelessness was rejected by National MPs. In the following weeks, the Cross-party group will head to Wellington, Tauranga and Christchurch to hear submissions.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 24th August 2016 - 1:54pm

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