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Glbti lives: Helen Jacobi

Mon 4 Jan 2016 In: Community View at Wayback View at NDHA

Next up in the summer series profiling LGBTI community advocates and change makers, we chat to ally of the LGBTI community; Rev Helen Jacobi, Vicar of St Matthew-in-the-City. “Growing up I cannot remember being aware at all of the LGBTI community, which shows how much Aotearoa has changed in a generation.” An advocate for marriage equality, Helen says she came to be an ally for the LGBTI community when she realised how many people were being excluded by the church. She says, “Sadly people's attitudes still need to change and many in the church hide behind their ill founded interpretation of a few biblical texts and consider themselves righteous. “In the church many people are working hard for marriage equality who are not LGBTI which is important because the church conversation is not always a safe place for the LGBTI community.” For 40 years St Matthew-in-the-City has been home to the Auckland Rainbow Community Church. Proud of her church’s commitment to the community Helen says St Matthew-in-the-City held this position long before any other churches were even considering being inclusive. “It is still a haven for those who cannot find acceptance in their own church,” she says. Helen looks forward to a future of “real equality and inclusiveness” and believes New Zealand should take a bigger role in advancing LGBTI rights in the Pacific - something the Anglican Church is currently working on. Inspired by couples who stay in a church that excludes them, waiting ​faithfully for the day they can marry in the church. Helen says she would like to see marriage equality achieved in the Anglican Church in the near future. Her final words as we head into a new year filled with possibility: “People cannot thrive alone - community is essential to wellbeing.”     - 4th January 2016


First published: Monday, 4th January 2016 - 12:50am

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