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AKL Council looking to create gender neutral toliets

Wed 2 Dec 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

The Auckland Council is looking to re-label some staff toilets to make them more trans and intersex friendly. A total of 35 accessible restrooms, in two of the city centre Council buildings, are to have their signs changed from the wheelchair symbol to ‘all-access’ toilets, reflecting all genders with varying needs. Council manager of Corporate Property, John O’Brien told Radio NZ: “"The challenges faced by this group on a matter as fundamental as using a restroom in a public space are widely documented. The council is interested in hearing more about these challenges from the Panel.” The Council is currently seeking feedback from the Rainbow Communities Advisory Panel regarding the proposed changes.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Wednesday, 2nd December 2015 - 12:40pm

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