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Body Positive photo exhibition opens

Tue 17 Feb 2015 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA

Body Positive Wellington has opened a special exhibition of images taken by its own supporters. Around 100 people attended the opening at Thistle Hall Gallery in Cuba St last night, with 11 prints selling on opening night. “This project was the brain child of one of Body Positive Wellington’s supporters Steve McVey,” Body Positive Wellington’s Manager Ron Irvine says. “Steve led a group of eight people over a three month period, late last year, teaching them about famous photographers, the different style and techniques each photographer used to come up with great photography. “The themes of each of the sessions were, our environment, self-portraiture, retelling reality, and storytelling. “What made it even more interesting was that we were not allowed to use digital cameras, we had to use disposables. As we know once a shot is taken with a disposable you have that shot. It not like you can erase it and start again” From the total 320 shots taken, each person in the group had to cull their work down to three pictures. Each of these was enlarged and is now on show. The Snapshot Photo exhibition can be seen all this week at Thistle Hall Gallery, 293 Cuba St, Wellington from 10am till 6.30pm. The prints are available for purchase at $60 each. All proceeds will go towards the work done to support services for people living with HIV/AIDS at Body Positive Wellington’s centre.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 17th February 2015 - 2:05pm

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