Rainbow Rata's stall is ready to go Although Out in the Park has been cancelled, stallholders have organised an indoor pop-up fair and many of the performers will take part in a fundraiser this afternoon. The weather made the annual lgbti fair too unsafe this time around and organisers made a tough decision to postpone it - they are now negotiating with Wellington City Council on possibly holding it in March. A Lust party still went ahead last night, with main act The Johnnys taking the stage and performing at Ivy. Today from 11am some of the stall holders who prepared goods for Out in the Square will be at pop-up event Out in Tory St, at 19 Tory St, from 11am till 3pm. There will be stalls everything from comics to vegan treats and pet wares, while community groups and the Lilac Lesbian Library will also be there with information about their services. People are asked to bring a koha for Out in the Park, to help cover unavoidable costs. At 3pm many of the Out in the Park performers will take part in a Benefit With Friends fundraiser at Bad Grannies, 195 Cuba St. Confirmed acts include Amanduh la Whore, Kola Gin, Gen Fowler, Medulla Oblongata, Ladyfruit and the The Klaus Vermillion Quartet. Entry is $10 waged, $5 unwaged, and all are welcome. At 8pm Laugh Out Loud at Fringe will be held at Fringe Bar at 26 Allen St, featuring comedians who were going to be on stage at Out in the Park. It will feature Neil Thornton, James Malcolm, Laquisha St Redfern, Thane Pullan and Savanna Calton. Tickets are $15 here
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Sunday, 15th February 2015 - 9:39am