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The Black Swan Project

Thu 24 Apr 2014 In: Our Communities View at NDHA

New Zealand’s Mr Gay World Chris Olwage has launched a project where lgbti people can share their art, and their stories of overcoming adversity. “This is the artsy side of ‘It Gets Better’,” he says. Olwage says The Black Swan Project is a safe place, where art, pictures, videos and stories can be posted. “The Black Swan Project is a platform for anyone who wishes to share their story of triumph over the adversities of growing up and coming out and the greater path that led to you becoming you,” he explains. “Whatever your story, and however you found your way, I want those of us who have found the other side to show how we experienced it, the lows, the losses and our hardships. But also the joys we found and the ways we found them. This is the artsy side of ‘It Gets Better’,” Olwage says. “Try telling your story, for some this is more difficult than most, and if you can't tell it, draw a picture about it. Paint a painting. Sing a song. I find that sometimes I can only express it through colour. Or maybe a dance captures the essence more honestly. I want you to express it in any way or form that you can. “Add a poem, a picture, a letter or a novel, share a link to a dance or a performance. But ultimately share it because your story may be the hand that saves a life. It might be the decider to seek help. It may be the light at the end of the tunnel.” Olwage is a dancer who battled depression and childhood obesity to live his dreams. Read his story here See the launch video below:   Jacqui Stanford - 24th April 2014    

Credit: Jacqui Stanford

First published: Thursday, 24th April 2014 - 9:36am

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