Colleen Bayer's heart is broken The head of the New Zealand wing of unrestrainedly homophobic Catholic group Family Life International says her “heart is broken” because the Big Gay Out was family friendly. Colleen Bayer has expressed outrage to right wing religious website LifeSiteNews that ‘such an event would be deemed suitable for children’. The site says she is a 'pro-family leader', as she asks “How can parents expose little children to such distorted and anti-traditional-family ‘fun’?” She then goes on to blame the “lack of principled leadership” in the New Zealand and saying that her “heart is broken”. The article is written by Family Life International's own Communications Director Michelle Kaufman, who shares her personal thoughts on the Big Gay Out in her own blog here Bayer is the same woman who moaned “We are called ‘haters’, ‘bigots’. What will come next?” while claiming marriage equality would cause the destruction of marriage and family.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Saturday, 15th February 2014 - 10:15am