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High Court strikes down ACT marriage bill

Thu 12 Dec 2013 In: International News

File photo Marriage equality advocates say they are devastated the High Court has struck down a bill which allowed couples to marry in the Australian state ACT. That's because it conflicts with federal marriage laws, which state a marriage can only be between a man and a woman. “This is devastating for those couples who married this week and for their families. However, this is just a temporary defeat,” says Australian Marriage Equality National Director Rodney Croome. “What is far more important is that the ACT’s law facilitated the first same-sex marriage on Australian soil and showed the nation the love and commitment of same-sex couples,” he says. “The marriages in the ACT prove that this reform is not about politics, but about love, commitment, and fairness” Advocates say the High Court’s ruling provided a clear decision that the Federal Government can legislate for marriage equality. And there has been progress - yesterday a cross-party marriage equality working group was established, and today Senator Sarah Hanson-Young introduced a Marriage Equality Bill into the Senate.     

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 12th December 2013 - 2:37pm

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