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Dream Home couple hit back at hateful trolls

Tue 16 Jul 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News

The Fail-Blair family Mitre 10 Dream Home couple Jay Blair and Amanda Fail says they were shocked by the backlash from internet trolls about their sexuality. The couple making the final two has been met with a mixture of homophobic comments, and claims they only went through because they are lesbians. They have told The Press they resent suggestions they're a ratings puppet, and say their sexuality is irrelevant. "I don't think just because we are lesbians we were singled out and given any extra publicity, or portrayed in a different way to anyone else," Blair said. "I am Jay, I am not defined by my sexuality. I am who I am." Read more here    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Tuesday, 16th July 2013 - 9:29am

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