Research on the merits and methods of collecting gender and sexual orientation information has been completed by Statistics NZ. Statistics Minister Maurice Williamson has responded to a letter on the issue from TransAdvocates' lawyer Kelly Ellis, replying: “I am advised that the initial research around the feasibility of collecting gender and sexual orientation data has been completed.” A request by Ellis to have the information collected has been forwarded to the Acting Government Statistician for her consideration, Williamson says. "It's very important to collect this data," Ellis tells Daily News. "Without it we have little or no meaningful data available in New Zealand. Without that data we can't accurately assess the needs of a community which is clearly under huge stress." Ellis accepts that gathering the information may present difficulties, but stresses that this is no reason to shy away from it. A lack of information about the number of trans people is a huge issue. "Without this information we're in a position where significant numbers of trans people are not even accepted as existing by government agencies such as Corrections. If we can get the Government to collect this information, it will be even harder to turn a blind eye to some of the issues we face."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Wednesday, 10th July 2013 - 10:47am