File Photo Tasmania has passed a law allowing same-sex couples to adopt. "This reform is in the best interests of children because it will allow a child currently being fostered by a same-sex couple to be adopted by their foster parents when it is in that child's best interest,” says Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group spokesman Rodney Croome. "It also removes legally-entrenched prejudice against all Tasmanian same-sex couples with children." Croome says Tasmania has removed “the very last vestige of discrimination” against same-sex couples in existing state law. The State Government Bill was passed in the Upper House by ten votes to three with the support of Liberal members and rural independents. Three other Australian states and territories allow same-sex adoption: Western Australia, the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales. Tasmania has allowed same-sex step-parent adoption since 2003, the legal recognition of non-biological same-sex parents since 2009 and same-sex surrogacy since 2012. Tasmania was the last Australian state to decriminalise homosexuality in 1997 but the first state to establish a civil union scheme in 2003 and the first state to move towards marriage equality last year.
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 28th June 2013 - 10:26am