Charities Services General Manager Brendon Ward The independent Charities Registration Board has clarified exactly why Family First has been removed from the Charities Register, saying it simply does not meet the requirements of a charity. Family First’s Bob McCoskrie claims the group has been targeted because it lobbied against marriage equality. He is now questioning the charity status of a number of other groups, including GLBT support and advocacy organisations. Read more on that here In a statement, Charities Services General Manager Brendon Ward says the decision was made at a recent board meeting, as a result of a review it began in September last year "The Board’s position is that Family First’s main purpose is to promote particular points of view about family life. Under the Act promotion of a controversial point of view is a political purpose,” Ward says. "In making its decision the Board determined that Family First does not advance religion or education, nor promote a benefit to all New Zealanders as determined by the Act. "Family First maintains that it is beneficial to the public that it promotes debate and discussion of different points of view on family life. However, the current legal position is that promoting debate on particular points of view is not a charitable purpose." Family First now has 20 working days to appeal the decision of the Board to the High Court. "Charities Services works closely with charities to help them understand the rules and do what is needed to meet the statutory requirements for registration under the Act," Ward says. "Maintaining the integrity of the register is important as charities receive tax concessions for the work they do and New Zealanders need to have trust and confidence in this system."
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Tuesday, 7th May 2013 - 4:11pm