Anti-gay religious groups claim the death penalty could soon be introduced for gay people in Ethiopia. Gay Star News reports a recent workshop dealt with the social ‘evils’ and ‘disastrous’ effects of homosexuality in Ethiopia, and was led by United for Life Ethiopia, a Western Evangelical organization with local representation. In the workshop police alleged ‘homosexual family members and neighbours’ sexually abused 117 boys last year. At the conclusion of the workshop, the EICAH representative stated that the council is ‘making progress’ in convincing the government to be stricter on homosexuality and introduce the death penalty to punish ‘such acts’. Mercy (name changed), director of Rainbow Ethiopia, a health and support group for LGBT people, told GSN: ‘The trend of homophobia and hate crimes is increasing in Ethiopia because these organizations are creating a moral panic and feeding the public with false information and wild allegations. Read more here
Credit: Daily News staff
First published: Thursday, 2nd May 2013 - 12:20pm