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Bill's recognition of trans marriages welcomed

Thu 28 Feb 2013 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

Trans members of the Queer Avengers are expressing their pleasure at the recommendation changes to marriage laws will recognise established marriages following a legal change in gender. Currently married trans people have to divorce or switch to a civil union if they legally change their sex, and their relationship becomes same-sex. The select committee which has considered the marriage equality bill has made changes which would enable people to remain married, regardless of their gender identity. Queer Avengers member Luca Larkin says the decision means a lot to herself and her wife. “We have been on this journey together and it requires strength and determination for a relationship to navigate,” Larkin says. “To go through this process together and survive the demands it places on your family and to THEN be told that you must now get a divorce is disgusting. Our marriage should be celebrated in this but instead we are given an impossible choice.” Larkin and her wife have three children together who she says have happily accepted the transition and felt it would have been difficult for them to understand why their loving parents had to divorce. Sally Dellow a trans member of Queer Avengers is happy the select committee has acknowledged that issues around marriage are often different for the trans community than they are for the gay and lesbian communities. “Removing the need for trans people to choose between their identity and their marriage will result in one less conundrum for trans people to negotiate as they strive to be who they are.” The Queer Avengers are vowing to keep up their “beyond marriage” campaign, saying the bill will not result in an end to transphobia, homophobia and bullying.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 28th February 2013 - 12:11pm

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