Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi John Key is backing an MP who has asked a series of odd questions about marriage equality at select committee hearings, saying he is “just doing his job”. Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi, who is on the select committee hearing marriage equality submissions, yesterday asked Human Rights Watch GLBT advocacy director Boris Dittrich: “How they are going to produce the child? They need male and female for that.” It came after Bakshi had earlier asked a gay Wellington couple "If you get married, who will be identified as husband, and who will be identified as wife?" Key is in Myanmar, where he has told travelling media Bakshi is a “very traditional” and conservative MP and it’s well-known he opposed the bill. Key says the MP is “just doing his job”, as an MP on a select committee, in asking those questions.
Credit: GayNZ.com Daily News staff
First published: Friday, 23rd November 2012 - 10:11am