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Oxford introduces trans-friendly dress code

Thu 2 Aug 2012 In: International News

Oxford University has rewritten its dress code so students taking exams or attending formal occasions will no longer have to wear ceremonial clothing that is specific to their gender. It will mean men will be able to sit tests in skirts and stockings and women will have the option of wearing suits and bow ties. The laws, which come into force next week, follow a motion put forward by the university's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer society which was passed by the student union. Jess Pumphrey, LGBTQ Soc's executive officer, said the change would make a number of students' exam experience significantly less stressful. “In future there will be no need for transgender students to cross-dress to avoid being confronted by invigilators or disciplined during their exam,” Pumphrey told The Oxford Student newspaper.    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Thursday, 2nd August 2012 - 11:16am

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