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"So gay I got AIDS" decision unchallenged

Mon 7 May 2012 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback

The Edge's breakfast hosts, JJ Feeney, Mike Puru and Dom Harvey The Broadcasting Standards Authority has not received any appeals over its decision not to uphold a complaint against a text read out on radio station The Edge that “Dom, your song was so gay I’m pretty sure I just got AIDS from listening to it”. The Authority ruled that while “some listeners would have considered the connection made between homosexuals and AIDS to be offensive and in poor taste” in light of The Edge’s target audience and their expectations of content on station, “the potential harm to listeners did not outweigh the broadcaster’s right to freedom of expression”. The BSA added that it believed the content of the text message was directed at the host’s song and was not intended as a criticism of homosexuality or as an attack against homosexual people. The text was read on The Edge’s breakfast show, which is hosted by JJ Feeney, Dominic Harvey and the openly-gay Mike Puru. A BSA spokeswoman says any appeals against the ruling would have to have been lodged by 27 April, and none have. You can discuss this gay New Zealand community news story in the Forum here    

Credit: Daily News staff

First published: Monday, 7th May 2012 - 9:47am

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