Production Details: 000974_MIX_charlie_prout_and_grace_carroll.wav

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master_sample_rate44.1 kHz
master_bit_depth16 bit
copyright_positionIn copyright
copyright_ownershipGareth Watkins (
seriesRainbow Studies Now 2023
titleCharlie Prout and Grace Carroll - Rainbow Studies Now
descriptionCharlie Prout and Grace Carroll present at the Rainbow Studies Now symposium, held on 23 November 2023 at Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington.
summary_computer_generatedThe presentation centers around the development and implementation of a framework designed to advance trans rights in New Zealand. The framework's inception was motivated by two key events. The first was Prout's involvement in reviewing the "Making Ourselves Visible" report at Oranga Tamariki, highlighting the need for a policy framework tailored to the needs of rainbow, trans, and non-binary individuals. The second event was Posey Parker's visit to Aotearoa, which underscored the strength of the queer and radical movements in New Zealand and the pervasive issue of prejudice. Prout and Carroll's framework draws heavily from the work of Nancy Fraser, an American critical theorist, particularly their theories on justice focusing on the redistribution of power while acknowledging differences. The framework emphasizes the importance of recognizing differences within trans and non-binary communities and changing hierarchies in the neoliberal order, with a focus on materialism and access to capital. The framework proposes three primary elements: protection, access, and recognition. Protection revolves around ensuring equitable treatment and security from discrimination for trans and non-binary individuals. Access emphasizes the importance of removing barriers to resources and services, enabling people to live as their gender. Recognition involves acknowledgment at both micro and macro levels, including legal recognition and visibility in data and statistics. The presentation concludes with an emphasis on strategic solidarity and the importance of a unified approach to advocacy and policy. The framework is presented as a resource for policymakers, activists, and academics, promoting a comprehensive approach to advancing trans rights and ensuring equitable treatment for trans and non-binary individuals.
voicesCharlie Prout; Grace Carroll
tagstrans; transgender; 2020s; justice; protection; Rainbow Studies Now: Legacies of Community (2023); Charlie Prout; Grace Carroll; Nancy Fraser
tags_computer_generatedgender identity; politics; hate crime; human rights; law; research; crime; social; hate speech; identity; school; community; language; discrimination; clothing; nature; trust; prejudice; queer; government; visibility; culture; policy; gender; hate; pronouns; difference; spaces; consent; rainbow; acceptance; safety; recognition; bathrooms; change; academics; opportunity; cis; threats; power; alienation; barriers; binary; understanding; capital; misgendered; other; solidarity; statistics; actions; resource; review; listening; strength; work; survey; face; security; informed consent; tactics; strategy; liberty; gender affirming healthcare; People; Events; access; data; speech; time; trans umbrella; movement
location_nameTe Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington
locationKelburn Parade, Kelburn